TFORMer Designer: plantillas de etiquetas e informes

TFORMer Designer viene con diseños de etiquetas e informes listos para usar para el etiquetado de cumplimiento y presentación de informes industrial. Se suprimen los esfuerzos de dedicados al diseño de etiquetas para la mayoría de aplicaciones de la automoción, transporte, logística y médicas como AIAG, VDA, ODETTE, GS1, ISBT.

Plantilla de etiqueta e informe

Informes, tablas, listas y etiquetas listas para usar

Los diseños predefinidos de abajo (AIAG, VDA, GM, GTL, Odette, GS1 y muchos más) están incluidos en TFORMer. Estas plantillas utilizan diseños estándar con tamaño, bordes, y ajustes de formato de página estándar.

Etiquetas adhesivas

Dispone de los formatos de los principales fabricantes de etiquetas adhesivas (Avery®, Herma®, LTO®, Zweckform®). Para utilizar una etiqueta adhesiva específica, elija la plantilla deseada utilizando el número de etiqueta, realice el diseño que necesite y empiece a imprimir.

Plantillas propias

Por supuesto puede crear su propia plantilla también. ¡Si tiene necesidades especiales, póngase en contacto con nosotros!

Templates for AIAG, VDA, Galia, GM, GTL, Odette, BeloM, Ames-T

The following predefined standard forms used in the automotive industry are included.

AIAG Labels (Automotive Industry Action Group)
AIAG B3AIAG Shipping Parts Identification Label
AIAG B5AIAG Primary Metal Identification Tag
AIAG B10AIAG Automotive Mixed Shipping Label
AIAG B10AIAG Automotive Master Shipping Label
AIAG B10AIAG Standard for Freightliner
AIAG B10AIAG Freightliner Standard
AIAG B10AIAG Master Standard for Freightliner
AIAG B10AIAG MixedLoad Standard for Freightliner
VDA Labels (German Automotive Industry)
VDA 4902 DEVDA Transport Label Version 4, Deutsch
VDA 4902 ENVDA Transport Label Version 4, English
VDA 4902 POVDA Transport Label Version 4, Portugal
VDA 4902 KLTVDA Label for Small Parts, Small Charge Carrier
VDA 4902 StahlVDA Label for Steel Supplies
VDA 4902 BeloM BMWBMW belegoptimierter Materialfluß
VDA 4902 KLT BeloM BMW      For Small Parts - BMW Belegoptimierter Materialfluß
VDA 4906VDA Invoice - DIN 4991
VDA 4922VDA Speditionsauftrag
VDA 4931VDA Verpackungsdatenblatt
VDA 4939VDA Sendungsbeleg, Sendungs-Masterblatt
VDA 4939VDA Transportbeleg, Transport-Masterblatt
VDA 4994VDA Delivery Note - DIN 4994
Galia Labels (Automotive Industry)
GaliaStandard Label
Galia License PlateStandard Label
Galia RenaultGalia Label for Renault L3P
General Motors Labels (Automotive Industry)
GM 1724 ALabel for Individual Containers
GM 1724 A KLTSmall Label for Individual Containers
GM 1724 BLabel for Master Containers
GM 1724 CLabel for Mixed Load Containers
GTL Labels (Global Transport Labels)
GM GTLGeneral Motors Global Transport Label
GM GTL KLTGeneral Motors Global Transport Label KLT
GTL BeloMGlobal Transport Label, BeloM
GTL BeloM A6Global Transport Label, BeloM, A6 Format
GTL BeloM KLTGTL for small charge carriers
GTL Master DetailGlobal Transport Label, Master Details
GTL Mixed DetailGlobal Transport Label, Mixed Load Details
Odette Labels (Automotive Industry)
OdetteOdette Transport Label, based on VDA
Siemens Labels (Automotive Industry)
Siemens VDOSiemens Transport Label, based on VDO

Logistic and Transport Labels for Austrian Post, GS1, TNT, FedEx, ...

The following predefined standard forms used in transportation and logistic applications are available.

DPDDPD (= Deutscher Paket Dienst) Parcel Label
GS1 Logistic Labels®
GS1GS1 Non-standard heterogeneous logistic units
GS1GS1 Non-standard homogeneous - Fixed measure trade items
GS1GS1 Non-standard homogeneous logistic units - Variable measure trade items
GS1GS1 Standard heterogeneous logistic units
GS1GS1 Standard homogeneous logistic units - One piece on the logistic unit
GS1GS1 Standard homogeneous logistic units - Fixed measure trade items
GS1GS1 Standard homogeneous logistic units - Variable measure trade items
Austrian Postal Services, Logistic Labels
PostParcel Label Portrait
PostParcel Label Portrait EMS
PostParcel Label Portrait "Kleinpaket"
PostParcel Label Portrait Pickup
PostParcel Label Portrait Not Prepaid
PostParcel Label Landscape
PostParcel Label Landscape EMS
PostParcel Label Landscape "Kleinpaket"
PostParcel Label Landscape Pickup
PostParcel Label Landscape Not Prepaid
TNTTNT Address Label Template
TNTTNT Label Template
TNTTNT Innight Standard
TNTTNT Innight Standard NetLink
TNTTNT Innight Standard Retour
FedExShipping Label (Shipment Label)
FedEx ManifestVISA Manifest Report
Forms for the EU Custom Authorities
Customs FormSingle Administrative Document (SAD): Application for the issue of a movement certificate
Customs FormSingle Administrative Document (SAD): The copy for the country of despatch/export and remains at the office of departure for the purpose of control and may also be used for other export control purposes
Customs FormSingle Administrative Document (SAD): The statistical copy for the country of despatch/export; also the copy of the export declaration for statistical purposes
Customs FormSingle Administrative Document (SAD): Export declaration for the consignor / exporter
Customs FormSingle Administrative Document (SAD): European Union - certificate of origin
Customs FormSingle Administrative Document (SAD): Certificate of origin (copy)
IntermecMH 10
Air Way BillAir Way Bill
Bring Parcels TransportBring Parcels AB Transport Label (Version 20101101)
Coliposte ColissimoLa Poste Coliposte COLISSIMO EXPERT F (8V) Label (V0611-2)
Parcelforce DomesticParcelforce Worldwide Domestic Label UK (v1.0.0)

More Templates

Healthcare / ISBT®
ISBT 128ISBT 128 Standard Label
Banking and Payments
SEPASEPA Payment Slip with QR-Code®
QR-Bill V2Swiss QR-Bill (Version 2)