Códigos de barras
Códigos de barras SAP
Programas de etiquetas
Generador de informes
Adquisición de datos
Captura móvil de datos
Herramientas en línea
Barcode Studio
TBarCode Office
TBarCode SDK
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Preguntas frecuentes
Términos de la licencia (PDF)
Base de conocimientos
Área reservada
Programas y Apps
En la web y en la nube
Cursos de formación
Consultoría de SAP
Enlaces a TEC-IT
Términos generales
Aviso legal
Our partner for thermal transfer printers and other bar code devices.
Stefan Betzinger is a freelance consultant who focuses on the automotive industry. His experience includes design, project management and quality management — especially in complex project environments.
The company ESA GmbH develops control systems and automation solutions for procedural industries, incl. traceability with adjustment to current regulations as EU Regulation 178/2002, EAN 128. We focus on processes that manufacture bulk goods and raw materials in every shape (e.g. equipment for weighting, dosing and manufacturing systems).
KT-NET Communications GmbH is our ISP.
QS QualitySoft GmbH offers software for barcode recognition from images, documents and faxes. Available products are:
The company Ultimo Beratungsgesellschaft mbH is specialized in organizational and IT consulting. The service portfolio ranges from stock reduction consulting up to reorganization measures. Moreover, Ultimo offers support for implementing ERP systems.
Websys-Media from Steyr (Austria) is our partner for Apple products. The company specializes in network solutions and Apple hardware and software products. In case of questions, please contact Mr. Pius Infanger jun.
Xact is one of the UK’s leading providers of specialist packing equipment and coding and marking solutions across a wide range of manufacturing industries.
Xaption provides SAP R/3, SAP Enterprise and SAP Netweaver solutions, custom extensions, consulting and training in ABAP, ABAP Objects and SAPscript/SmartForms as well as with all new technologies like XML and XI.