TFORMer Designer:报告设计软件

使用 报告软件 TFORMer Designer,您可以在瞬间创建报告,列表,表格,序列信,报表和条码标签。使用TFORMer Designer 或 TFORMer 报告 SDK 可以直接生成输出。无需额外编程要求!


使用所包含的 模板,您可以在瞬间创建您所需要的文档。这些模板节省用于设计工作的时间并降低成本。例如:VDA-4902 模板,AIAG,AMES-T,Galia,Odette,GTL 运输标签,GS1 物流标签等等...


TFORMer Designer 可以完全独立地生成所有 条码 并且支持100多种不同的线性,二维,RSS 和 GS1 条码。无需特殊条码打印机或硬件插件,如:条码 SIMMs 和条码 DIMMs。


PDF 文档,HTML,ZPL-II,各种图像格式或 PostScript® 以完美的品质作为打印结果被输出。所生成的输出始终一致的并完全于所选择的输出格式。


此报告组件 TFORMer SDK能够当作 JAVA 类,DLL,共享库,COM 组件或 .NET Assembly 很容易地集成与您的应用程序。通过程序代码或外部数据源,如文件或数据库提供动态数据。


此外,对于报表和标签印刷此软件解决方案还提供: 纸和托盘控制,有条件印刷,脚本,嵌入式计算,条形码,任意输出格式,Unicode 支持(另见 TFORMer 的功能)。


Microsoft Windows 7 SP1, 2008 SP2, Windows 8, 2012, Windows 10 (32 Bit 和 64-Bit 版本) 都可以用 TFORMer Designer! Linux 和 UNIX 平台也可以用Reporting SDK。


TFORMer Designer 提供给您一个适用于创建任意格式,报告,列表,表格,标签和序列信的强大工业统一工具。


TFORMer Designer 最新版本,一款最强大的报告软件工具现已供使用 - 就来试一下吧!

现在就来感受一下 TFORMer Designer 吧! 点击这里下载 免费试用版!

TFORMer Designer 特性一览




在线生成 VDA 4902 作为 PDF

TFORMer SDK 完全自动生成 PDF 文档 (例如:从 ASP 或 PHP 网页应用程序中) - 包括条码。变量数据 (如:用户输入) 通过数据域插入至布局中。

使用 TFORMer Designer 您可以根据您的需要设计 PDF 文档外观。

在这里您可以在线生成一个 VDA 4902 标签 作为 PDF 文档 (同样可生成 AIAG 标签)。您将依据您的输入获得此文档,(通过电子邮件) 动态实时生成 - 免费

许可证可以在每个工作站(或用户)基础上购买。 如果您需要 25 多个许可证, 请联系我们 - 我们将乐意根据您的要求准备报价。所有许可都是永久性的,并收取一次性许可费用

  • 1 Workstation
  • € 360 / $448一次性费用
  • 报告,表格
  • 1 许可证为 1 工作站
  • 购买
  • 25+ Workstations
  • 根据要求  
  • 报告,表格
  • 个人>25+ 工作站

Microsoft® Windows

所有当前的 32 位和 64 位 Microsoft Windows 系统:

  • Windows Server 2016 / 2019 / 2022
  • Windows 10 / 11
  • 为终端服务器/ Citrix 环境做好准备

UNIX®, Linux®, macOS®

  • 有关更多支持的平台,请参阅我们的 下载部分 或请求新的版本。

V 8.0

General Improvements

  • New Print Kernel
    The print kernel has been rewritten (preparation for future enhancements).
  • Barcode Generator Kernel
    The barcode kernel is now linked statically. TFTBarcode.dll is not required anymore (TFM-5512).
  • GDI Custom Paper Sizes
    Added support for custom paper sizes when using GDI printers (TFM-9030).
  • New Function SafeDiv
    To allow better handling of division by zero cases in IIf statements, a new function SafeDiv has been added. SafeDiv(«Numerator», «Denominator», «DivByZeroValue»), returns «DivByZeroValue» if «Denominator» is 0, otherwise the result of the division of «Numerator» by «Denominator» is returned.

TFORMer Designer

  • Quick-Format
    Added new functionality to simplify the formatting of numeric and text fields. Quickly select predefined or provide custom formats.
  • Label Design with Actual Data ("Real Data")
    Added new functionality to use real label data during the label design process. Label design is done using the data of the first record of the data source (used for label texts, barcode data and image expressions). The option can be turned on or off with a checkbox in the menu ribbon.
  • Show Element Boundaries
    Added a checkbox to hide or show element boundaries in the label design.
  • Show Grid
    Added a checkbox to hide or show the grid in the label design.
  • Design Settings
    Design settings like data view column widths and current zoom are now stored and get reapplied on loading (TFM-5474, TFM-6057).
  • ZIP-File Support
    ZIP files that include one label design (TFF file) can now be opened directly with TFORMer Designer using the file open dialog. Embedded images are supported.
  • TFZ File Extension for Save As... and Open...
    TFZ files are compressed containers that include one label design (TFF file), the default print data and images used by the layout. The TFZ file extension allows the user to start editing the file by double-clicking it. In addition, TFZ files can be directly uploaded to the online label generator (
  • Other Improvements
    - Improved tooltip text for data fields with errors in expressions (TFM-8459).
    - The edit dialog for text uses the last screen-position and size within the same TFORMer Designer session.
    - Added a message bar to the design view so TFORMer Designer can provide hints and warnings to the user.


  • New API for Printing Results
    Added new functions to retrieve detailed information and data field values after a print job was finished. See Job.GetPrintResult and Job.SetPrintResultType in the TFORMer SDK documentation for more information.
  • New API for Data Field Details
    Added a new function to retrieve data field related properties. See Datafield.GetDetails in the TFORMer SDK documentation for more information.
  • TFORMer SDK Java Wrapper
    - Made the print method nonblocking (TFM-8329).
    - Renamed the method setParameterValues to setParameterValue (TFM-5694).
    - Fixed some problems that caused the wrapper not working properly with Open JDK (TFM-9323).
  • TFORMer SDK .NET Wrapper
    • TFORMerException Changes (TFM-5519)
      - Message property will now provide a formatted error message (including Description, Information, and Reference values).
      - New property Description that stores the text previously provided in the Message property.
      - New property Reference that stores the error source provided by TFORMer SDK. Source property of the base class Exception will not be modified.
      - Removed property setters for ErrorCode and Information.
  • Other Improvements
    - Moved RecordCopyDataField from Job to JobDataCSV, JobDataXML and JobDataODBC (TFM-5478).
    - Added RecordCopyDataFieldIsXMLAttribute to JobDataXML.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue caused by splitting print areas containing resizable elements across multiple pages (TFM-9980).
  • Fixed the processing of barcode data in hexadecimal format (TFM-8540, TFM-8543).
  • Improved support of custom paper sizes on GDI printers (TFM-10050).
  • Improved support for symbol fonts (TFM-10136).
  • Fixed rendering of rotated labels with text margins (TFM-9109).
  • Corrected the label height when created by dropping a data field onto the label design (TFM-9058).
  • Fixed a crash in TFORMer Designer when pasting data fields, print settings or data sources into the design tree without a valid selection.
  • Fixed a problem that caused computed fields of type float being truncated to two decimal digits (TFM-9067).
  • Fixed a performance problem with the edit text dialog on systems with many installed fonts.


  • VDA 4994 (Automotive)
    New templates for VDA 4994 and VDA 4494 KLT were added.
  • GM 1724 Revision 2018 (Automotive)
    New templates for GM 1724 (Revision 2018) were added.