How Can I Correct the Horizontal Margin Position
In transaction SPAD you can correct the horizontal and vertical margin position for PostScript printers by moving the output.
SPAD > Output Devices > Select Device > Tab Output Attributes >
Parameter Horizontal Move / Vertical Shift.
Please read more in the following SAP Note: 183948 - Identical output on PCL-5,PostScript,SAPWIN
Wrong Characters in the Print-Out
Please check out OSS Note: 538765.
There is an error in the SAP Postscript printer driver POST (device types POST2) when printing PostScript strings in so-called ASCII-85 representation. This occurs when using SAP Basis release 6.10 or higher.
Possible Solutions:
Install the kernel patch for 6.20 (patch level 1481 - corrected in 6.40 STANDARD),
or switch off the ASCII85 Representation and use Hexadecimal Encoding as done in previous SAP versions.
Switching from ASCII85 to hexadecimal: Change the option POST_ASCII85 to NO in the TSOPTIONS table afterwards, and then restart.
Tray Selection / Paper Format B6
In most cases, you must specify the assigned format for the correct tray selection in the print job.
For example, if the printer was set to B6 in the manual tray, set the print job found inside the Init-Event of the SAP device type to B6. This would overdrive the original page setup.
<< /PageSize [363 516] /ImagingBBox null >> setpagedevice
Blank Lines on Top of the Page with List Printing
List printing (e.g. X_90_120) by default is using the page format ANY (if not configured otherwise). With the page format ANY, the driver prepares the list to make it fit best on the paper format used. Paper tray information must be available. If this is not the case, the list is formatted and printed to fit on a paper size between A4 and LETTER.
When defining an output device in SPAD, you should specify the paper formats that are available at the printer by choosing "Paper tray info". In the "Output attributes for list drivers" field also enter the default paper tray for list printing. This fixes problems with blank lines on the output.
How can I print Thai or Chinese Characters?
Please look at SAP OSS Note # 83502.
In your SAP system there should be a device type
- THSPOST for printing Thai characters
- CNSPOST for printing Chinese characters.
Make a copy of it and adjust the Printer Barcodes (transaction SE73) as shown in our manual. Then assign this device type to your printer (transaction SPAD).
For TBarCode/Direct you need a device type, which uses a PostScript printer driver!
How can I print Hebrew?
Please look at SAP OSS Note # 1041623.
SAP offers PostScript device types for Hebrew with a soft font installed into the printer. According to SAP note 1041623 you can use either HESPOST or ZHESPOST. Important: The required font file must be installed on the spool server - see note 1041623 for details.
Make a copy of the device type and adjust the Printer Barcodes (transaction SE73) as shown in our manual. Then assign this device type to your printer (transaction SPAD).
Which Barcode Product Is Best Suited for My Environment?
TEC-IT offers three different solutions for bar code generation in SAP. Each solution has its special advantages and characteristics.
This Barcode DLL is recommended for Microsoft® Windows environments in which you can print centrally via a print server with SAPSprint (spooling software of SAP) or on the SAPGUI client (front-end printing). Any printer using Windows drivers can be connected. The Barcode DLL is also the solution of your choice in case of Unicode printing with SWINCF or other CF device types.
If your company mainly uses PostScript® compatible printers, then TBarCode/Direct is the best solution. No middleware, central installation, all printers (with PostScript).
TBarCode/X is an all-round barcode software solution for UNIX®, Linux® and Mac OS X® environments. TBarCode/X can be installed into the spool system of a print server (or on the SAP server itself). Suitable for PCL and PostScript® printers. Existing device types for PCL printers can be reused, no change to Windows drivers required.