Changes since V1.2:
- Error Messages: now in human readable form
- Check-Digit Calculation: improved "Standard" method (see below)
- Redistribution: a dependency-File (.DEP) usable by Visual Basic Setup Wizard is shipped with the control.
- Sample Applications: Better documented
- If you select Barcode-Type "None" nothing is drawn
- Compatibility: fully compatible with V1.2. If you are using V1.0 or V1.1 you have to re-license the control (using the same license-key).
New: Check-Digit Calculation
In this version the check-digit calculation method "Standard" computes check digits only if required. Example: If EAN13 is filled with 12 digits the control computes the check digit automatically. If you supply 13 digits for EAN13 the control assumes your application have already computed the check digit - no automatic (re-)calculation is performed. TBarCode does not check the correctness of check digits supplied by your application!