TBarCode/SAPwin: hoja de datos

TBarCode/SAPwin genera todos las simbologías de código de barras utilizadas en SAP. Además, soporta los códigos de barras 2D especiales para la el etiquetado industrial y etiquetado homologado (VDA).

Supported Operating Systems & SAP Components

  • Bar code extension for SAPSprint, SAP GUI and WWI.
  • For SAPSprint V1.0.0.1 or higher (32-bit and 64-bit Version)
  • For SAP GUI with SAPwin.dll V1.0.0.6 or higher (32-bit and 64-bit Version)
  • For SAPlpd Version 3 or higher (needs V10, on request)
  • For EH&S WWI SP31 or later (wwiBC.dll)
  • For Microsoft® Windows 7, 8, 10, 11, Server 2008R2, 2012, 2012R2, 2016, 2019, 2022
  • For SAP R/3 Release 2.2 and all newer SAP ERP systems
  • With SPAD Host Spool Access F, S, U or G in combination with all SAPWIN/SWIN based device types
  • Barcode management through System-Barcodes, Printer Barcodes and Printcontrols.
  • Suitable for SAPscript, SmartForms and ABAP

Supported Barcode Symbologies

Linear Bar Codes (1D Barcodes)
CodaBar 2 Widths CodaBar (2 Width), CodaBar2
Code 2OF5 IATA Code 2 of 5 IATA Version (International Air Transport Association)
Code 2OF5 Industry Code 2 of 5 Industry Version
Code 2OF5 Interleaved Code 2 of 5 Interleaved (alias ITF or Code 2/5 IL),  
Code 2OF5 Matrix Code 2 of 5 Matrix (alias 2of5 Standard)
Code 2OF5 Standard Code 2 of 5 (identical with Code 2 of 5 Matrix)
Code 32 Code 32 (Italian Pharmacode)
Code 39 Code 3 of 9 alias Code-39
Code 39 Full ASCII Code 3 of 9 Extended Version (ASCII)
Code 93 Code 93
Code 93 Full ASCII Code 93 Extended Version (ASCII)
Code128 Code-128 all sub sets and Compressed Mode  
Code128A Code 128 Subset A
Code128B Code 128 Subset B
Code128C Code 128 Subset C
EAN8 EAN-8 (also JAN or IAN)
EAN8P2 EAN-8 (also JAN or IAN) with 2 digit add-on
EAN8P5 EAN-8 (also JAN or IAN) with 5 digit add-on
EAN13 EAN-13 (also JAN or IAN),  
EAN13 P2 EAN-13 (also JAN or IAN) with 2 digit add-on
EAN13 P5 EAN-13 (also JAN or IAN) with 5 digit add-on
EAN14 EAN-14 (GTIN coded with GS1/EAN-128 symbology)
EAN128 EAN-128 alias UCC-128 alias GS1-128
Flattermarken Flattermarken
GS1-128 GS1-128, identical to EAN-128 / UCC-128
GS1-DataBar GS1-DataBar Symbologies (all based upon RSS Codes)
ISBN-13 ISBN-13 (International Standard Book Number, 13 digits)
ISBN13-P5 ISBN13 with 5 digit supplement
ISMN ISMN (International Standard Music Number)
ISSN ISSN (International Standard Serial Number)
ISSN P2 ISSN with 2 digit supplement
ITF-14 ITF14, Code 2of 5 Interleaved (14 digits)
LOGMARS DOD Logmars, Department of Defense Logmars
MSI MSI Barcode variants with different check digits
Pharmacode One-Track Pharmacode One Track (1 Track)
Pharmacode Two-Track Pharmacode Two Track (2 Track)
PLANET 12 Digit Planet Code 12 digits (Postal Alpha Numeric Encoding Technique)
PLANET 14 Digit Planet Code 14 digits
Plessey Plessey Unidirectional
Plessey Bidirectional Plessey Bidirectional
PZN7 Pharmazentralnummer Germany (PZN/PZN7)
PZN8 Pharmazentralnummer Germany (PZN8)
RSS Expanded EAN/UCC RSS Expanded (Reduced Space Symbology)
RSS Limited EAN/UCC RSS Limited (Reduced Space Symbology)
RSS-14 EAN/UCC RSS14 (Reduced Space Symbology)
RSS-14 Truncated EAN/UCC RSS14 Truncated (Reduced Space Symbology)
RSS-14 Limited EAN UCC RSS14 Limited (Reduced Space Symbology)
SSCC-18 SSCC 18 Shipping Container Code
Telepen Telepen
Telepen Alpha Telepen Alphanumeric
UCC/EAN-128 UCC/EAN 128  
UCC-128 UCC 128  
UPC12 / UPCA UPC 12 (alias UPC-A),  
UPC-A UPC A (alias UPC-12),  
UPC-A P2 UPC Version A + 2 digit supplement
UPC-A P5 UPC Version A + 5 digit supplement
UPC-E UPC Version E  
UPC-E P2 UPC Version E + 2 digit supplement
UPC-E P5 UPC Version E + 5 digit supplement
UPCSCC UPC Shipping Container Code (refer to ITF14, SCC-14)
VIN / FIN Vehicle Identification Number, Fahrzeug-Identifizierungsnummer
Postal Codes (1D Postal Barcodes)
Australian Post Custom Australian Post Standard Customer, Customer2, Customer 3
Australian Post Redirect Australian Post Redirection
Australian Post Reply Paid Australian Post Reply Paid
Australian Post Routing Australian Post Reply Routing
Brazilian CEPNet Brazilian Postal Barcode
DAFT Code DAFT is an artificial generic code
DPD CodeGerman Parcel Service Label Code
DP Identcode Deutsche Post Identcode
DP Leitcode Deutsche Post Leitcode
Italian Postal 2of5 Italian Postal Code (based on 2of5 IL)
Italian Postal 3of9 Italian Postal Code (based on Code 39)
Japan Postal Japan Postal 4-State Bar Code
KIX Dutch Postal Barcode
Korean Postal Authority Korean Postal Barcode
RoyalMail 4State (RM4SCC) Royal Mail 4 State Barcode (RM4SCC)
USPS OneCode (4-CB)see USPS Intelligent Mail® Barcode
USPS Intelligent Mail® BarcodeUSPS Intelligent Mail® Barcode, alias USPS OneCode alias USPS 4-State Customer Barcode
USPS PostNet5 USPS PostNet ZIP (5 digits) with check digit computation
USPS PostNet9 USPS PostNet ZIP+4 (9 digits) with check digit computation
USPS PostNet11 USPS PostNet ZIP+4+2 (11 digits) with check digit computation
Two Dimensional Barcodes (2D Barcodes)
Aztec Code Aztec Code (available in TBarCode/SAPwin Version 8+)
Codablock-F CodablockF (Stacked Code128), used by HIBC
Data MatrixData Matrix (ECC200 standard with error correction)
DP PostmatrixDeutsche Post Werbeantwort Postmatrix
GS1 DataMatrixData Matrix with GS1 format (ECC200, FNC1), Auto Compaction
MaxiCode™ Maxi Code™ (used by UPS®)
Micro QR-CodeMicro QRCode (Micro Quick Response Code, available in TBarCode V9 & Barcode Studio V9)
MicroPDF417 Micro PDF-417, MicroPDF
PDF417 PDF-417 (used by VDA, GTL, ODETTE, VDA Belom...),  
PDF417 Truncated PDF-417 Truncated Version
QR-Code Quick Response Code (ISO/IEC 18004:2000); uses 932/Shift-JIS standard character set
QR-Code 2005 QRCode 2005 (ISO/IEC 18004:2006); uses Latin-1 (ISO-5589-1) as standard character set
RSS-14 Stacked EAN/UCC RSS14 Stacked
RSS-14 Stacked Omnidir EAN/UCC RSS14 Stacked Omnidirectional
RSS Expanded Stacked EAN/UCC RSS Expanded Stacked
HIBC Barcodes (available in TBarCode/SAPwin Version 9+)
HIBC LIC 128HIBC LIC variant of Code 128
HIBC LIC 39HIBC LIC variant of Code 39
HIBC LIC Codablock-FHIBC LIC variant of Codablock-F
HIBC LIC Data MatrixHIBC LIC variant of Data Matrix
HIBC LIC MicroPDF417HIBC LIC variant of MicroPDF417
HIBC LIC PDF417HIBC LIC variant of PDF417
HIBC LIC QR-CodeHIBC LIC variant of QR-Code
HIBC PAS 128HIBC PAS variant of Code 128
HIBC PAS 39HIBC PAS variant of Code 39
HIBC PAS Codablock-FHIBC PAS variant of Codablock-F
HIBC PAS Data MatrixHIBC PAS variant of Data Matrix
HIBC PAS MicroPDF417HIBC PAS variant of MicroPDF417
HIBC PAS PDF417HIBC PAS variant of PDF417
HIBC PAS QR-CodeHIBC PAS variant of QR-Code
EAN-UCC Composite Variants
RSS-14 Composite Component CC-A / CC-B
RSS-14 Stacked Composite Component CC-A / CC-B
RSS-14 Stacked Omnidirectional Composite Component CC-A / CC-B
RSS Limited Composite Component CC-A / CC-B
RSS Expanded Composite Component CC-A / CC-B
RSS Expanded Stacked Composite Component CC-A / CC-B
EAN 13 Composite Component CC-A / CC-B
EAN 8 Composite Component CC-A / CC-B
UPC A Composite Component CC-A / CC-B
UPC E Composite Component CC-A / CC-B
UCC/EAN128 Composite Component CC-A / CC-B / CC-C
GS1 DataBar Composite Variants (2D Barcodes)
GS1 DataBarComposite Component CC-A / CC-B
GS1 DataBar Stacked Composite Component CC-A / CC-B
GS1 DataBar Stacked Omni Composite Component CC-A / CC-B
GS1 DataBar Limited Composite Component CC-A / CC-B
GS1 DataBar Expanded Composite Component CC-A / CC-B
GS1 DataBar Expanded Stacked Composite Component CC-A / CC-B
Related Symbologies
Related Symbologies With the listed symbologies you can generate also the following variants:
USS Code 39, AIAG, HIBC, PPN-Code, NTIN-Code (GS1), USS Code 128, UCC-128, ISBT-128, SCC-14, JAN, Bookland, ISSN, USS ITF 2-5, I-2/5, ITF-14, SSC-14, DUN14, USPS, DOD Logmars (Department of Defense Logmars), UPC SCS (UPC Serial Shipping Symbol).

If a bar code symbology you are interested in is not listed here, please contact our support!

Print Controls de SAPscript (pequeño extracto)

Tipo de código de barrasEl parámetro Print Control "C" especifica el tipo de código de barras.
AnchuraEspecificado en mm / Print Control parámetro "B"
AlturaEspecificación en mm / Print Control parámetro "H"
Dígito de controlsi/no - dependiendo del código de barras / Print Control parámetro "P"
Texto legiblesi/no / Print Control parámetro "A"
Posición x, yEspecificación en mm o posición actual del cursor / Print Control parámetros "X" e "Y"
Ratio ancho de barraRatio especificado por el usuario o ratio estándar (depende del tipo de código de barras) / Print Control parámetros "S1".."S4"
Ratio ancho espacioRatio especificado por el usuario o ratio estándar (depende del tipo de código de barras) / Print Control parámetros "L1".."L4"

Configuración de código de barras avanzada

  • Pixel shaving para minimizar la tolerancia de impresión en impresoras comunes.
  • parámetro Global shift para ajuste vertical de la posición del código de barras (evita cambios en formularios, compensa diferencias del controlador de la impresora).
  • Pueden activarse los valores por defecto industriales (para módulos de código de barras DIMM/SIMM).
  • Configuración de estilo de fuente global para texto legible en códigos EAN/UPS (no requiere cambios en el tipo de dispositivo o formulario).
  • Orientación (0°, 90°, 180°, 270°)
  • Cálculo del dígito de control
  • Ancho de módulo, ratio de ancho de barra
  • Subconjunto de código para variantes de código de barras
  • Codificación binaria y codificación de caracteres no imprimibles
  • Secuencias de escape ("Prueba\13" == "Prueba" + Retorno de Carro)
  • Parámetros extendidos para simbologías de código de barras 2D (altura de línea, nivel de corrección de errores, columnas,...)
  • Amplia las capacidades de registro de datos para resolución de problemas.