Code 11

Code 11
Character SetLengthCheck DigitSize, Module Width X, Print Ratio
numeric [0..9] + "-"variable1 or 2 (Modulo11)X= 0.191 mm; Pr=1:2.24/1:3.5
ApplicationsFor labeling of telecommunications components and equipment; developed 1977 by INTERMEC.
NotesSimilar to Matrix 2/5; Code not self-checking, therefore 2 check digits recommended; high data density - needs high resolution printer.
Character SetLengthCheck DigitSize, Module Width X, Print Ratio
ASCII (128 characters)-1 check digitPlease refer to EAN128
ApplicationsPlease refer to GS1-128 / EAN128

CodaBar 2 Width

CodaBar 2 Width
Character SetLengthCheck DigitSize, Module Width X, Print Ratio
numeric [0..9] + 6 additional characters [- $ : / . +]variableoptional (Modulo 16)tolerance +- 0.066mm at X=0.19mm; for pen readers: H>=15% of L (H>=8mm); for gun readers: H>=25% of L (H>=20mm); X>= 0.19 mm; Pr= 1:2 -1:3; Pr >= 2,25:1 (X<= 0.5mm)
ApplicationsDeveloped 1972 by Monarch Marking Systems for retail product marking. In 1977 the American Blood Commission defined "Codabar 2" as standard for blood conserves (=ABC Codabar). Also used for photofinishing envelope identification.
Notes2 different element widths and 4 different start/stop characters (A, B, C, D) that can be used for additional information - e. g. "B1234B". Also known as "2of7 Code". The first variant used 18 different element widths (Standard Codabar). ABC Codabar is supporting a double symbol (data chaining).


Character SetLengthCheck DigitSize, Module Width X, Print Ratio
[A-Z]; [0-9]; [ _ - . $ / + % ]variable2 check digits (Mod 47)tolerances: b=+- (0.45 X - 0.025mm); e=+-0.2 X (p=+- 0.2 X) or e=+-0.15 X (p= +- 0.3 X); for pen readers: H>=15% L (H>=6.5mm); for gun readers: H>=20% L (H>=20mm); X>= 0.19 mm; Pr= 1:2 -1:3; Pr >= 2,25:1 (X<= 0.5mm)
ApplicationsDeveloped 1982 by INTERMEC to get a higher information density as Code39 offers (needs less space).
NotesCharacter set is identical to Code39. By inserting leading spaces into the bar code data, the following symbols can be chained together.

Code 93 Full ASCII

Code 93 Full ASCII
Character SetLengthCheck DigitSize, Module Width X, Print Ratio
ASCII (128 characters)variable2 check digits (Mod 47)refer to Code 93
ApplicationsRepresentation of the complete ASCII character set (bar code uses for representation the same internal character set as Code93).
NotesBy combination of one of the 4 control characters with a "normal" letter all ASCII characters can be represented.


Character SetLengthCheck DigitSize, Module Width X, Print Ratio
numeric [0..9]12 + 5 digits1 check digitrefer to EAN13 P5
Applicationsrefer to EAN13 P5
NotesIdentical to EAN13 P5


Character SetLengthCheck DigitSize, Module Width X, Print Ratio
numeric [0..9, A-Z] + special charactersvariable1 check digitPlease refer to Code 39
ApplicationsPlease refer to Code 39
NotesStandardization of Code39 for military use

ISBT 128

ISBT 128
Character SetLengthCheck DigitSize, Module Width X, Print Ratio
ASCII (128 characters)14 alphanumeric1Please refer to Code 128 and label specifications of ISBT
ApplicationsISBT 128 is an adaptation of a conventional bar-coding system known as Code 128. This Code has been adapted for use in Blood Transfusion Services throughout the world by the International Society of Blood Transfusion (ISBT). Hence the term ISBT 128 (successor of Codabar).
NotesThe donation number comprises 14 characters that contain information relating to the country (a), the center of origin (p), the year of collection (y), a sequential number (n) and a check character (c).
Format: appppyynnnnnc
Each ISBT 128 donation number is unique on a world-wide basis.

One-Track Pharmacode

One-Track Pharmacode
Character SetLengthCheck DigitSize, Module Width X, Print Ratio
numeric [0..9] and generic;variablenonemax. bars: 12; thin bar X=0.5 mm; thick bar X=1.5 mm; space bars: 1.0 mm; space main and additional code: 1.5 mm; bar height: 8.0 mm; print ratio (bars): 1:3; color bar width: 1.5 mm;
ApplicationsFor medicine packing in pharmaceutically areas; for small labels; the optional color bar serves for control for the printing of signal colors; Pharmacode will be used without readable text;
NotesPharmacode assigns numeric values to the bars; readable very fast (200 readings per second); be able to print in several colors; printing tolerance is big (with normal aberration it is still readable); universal code;

Two-Track Pharmacode

Two-Track Pharmacode
Character SetLengthCheck DigitSize, Module Width X, Print Ratio
numeric [0..9] and generic;variablenoneTwo-Track bar width: 1 mm; Space bars: 1 mm; bar height above/below: 4-6 mm; height of the long bar: 8-12 mm;
ApplicationsFor medicine packing in pharmaceutically area; for small labels; Pharmacode will be used without readable text;
NotesPharmacode assigns numeric values to the bars; readable very fast (200 readings per second); be able to print in several colors; printing tolerance is big (with normal aberration it is still readable); universal code;


Character SetLengthCheck DigitSize, Module Width X, Print Ratio
[0..9]9 digitsnone;Flattermarken are lines which have a width of: 2-3 mm and a length of: 0.5 - 1 cm;
ApplicationsFor correct recognition of crease-bents.
Notes9 digits specifying the position of the bars;


Character SetLengthCheck DigitSize, Module Width X, Print Ratio
numeric [0..9]variableMSI-1=Mod 10; MSI-2=Mod 10+Mod 10;MSI with 2xMod10 check digits is also known as "Plessey 2"; other check digit combination in use: Mod11 + Mod 10 (available on demand);
ApplicationsIt has been used primarily in libraries and stores. It based on the pulse breadth modulation code, which was developed by the company "Plessey Company Limited". If you put in an additional modulo 10- or modulo 11-check digit, the code can have 14 characters, otherwise only 13 characters.
NotesToday this type of code is outdated and is no longer used. Because of this most barcode scanners can not recognize this type of code.


Character SetLengthCheck DigitSize, Module Width X, Print Ratio
[0..9] [A-F]variable1 check digitMax. length: 14 characters (incl. check digit);
ApplicationsIt has been used primarily in libraries and stores. It based on the pulse breadth modulation code, which was developed by the company "Plessey Company Limited". If you put in an additional modulo 10- or modulo 11-check digit, the code can have 14 characters, otherwise only 13 characters.
NotesToday this type of code is outdated and is no longer used. Because of this most barcode scanners can not recognize this type of code.

PZN Code

PZN Code
Character SetLengthCheck DigitSize, Module Width X, Print Ratio
numeric [0..9]6 digits1 check digitprint ratio= 2.5:1
ApplicationsIdentification for medicine; Pharma central numbers are given from "IFA GmbH".

DP Identcode

DP Identcode
Character SetLengthCheck DigitSize, Module Width X, Print Ratio
numeric [0..9]11 digits1 check digitwidth thin bar min.: 0.375 mm, max.: 0.5 mm; print ratio max.: 1:3; length of bar code: 42.00 mm - 68.50 mm; height of bar code: 25 mm;
ApplicationsUtilization from customers of "Deutschen Post AG", for freight shipment to automatically allocation in freight post centers.
NotesThe Identcode serves for the clear identification of a post parcel. So the run of a package can be pursued up to the delivery.

DP Leitcode

DP Leitcode
Character SetLengthCheck DigitSize, Module Width X, Print Ratio
numeric [0..9]13 digits1 check digitwidth thin bar min.: 0.375 mm, max.: 0.5 mm; print ratio max.: 1:3; length of bar code: 47.25 mm - 77.50 mm; height of bar code: 25 mm;
ApplicationsUtilization from customers of "Deutschen Post AG", for freight shipment to automatically allocation in freight post centers.

Postnet 5

Postnet 5
Character SetLengthCheck DigitSize, Module Width X, Print Ratio
numeric [0..9]max. number: 5 characters1 check digitHeight of full bar: 0.125 ± 0.010 inch; Height of a half bar: 0.050 ± 0.010 inch; Width of all bars: 0.020 ± 0.005 inch; The clear vertical space between bars must not be less than 0.012 inch or more than 0.04 inch.
ApplicationsPOSTNET was developed by USPS to automate the sorting of mail; bar width, height and spacing are fixed; The USPS® POSTNET barcode was retired effective January 28, 2013. The successor is the Intelligent Mail® bar code.

Postnet 9

Postnet 9
Character SetLengthCheck DigitSize, Module Width X, Print Ratio
numeric [0..9]max. number: 9 characters1 check digitHeight of full bar: 0.125 ± 0.010 inch; Height of a half bar: 0.050 ± 0.010 inch; Width of all bars: 0.020 ± 0.005 inch; The clear vertical space between bars must not be less than 0.012 inch or more than 0.04 inch.
ApplicationsEncodes the ZIP (5 digits) + 4 digits add-on. POSTNET was developed by USPS to automate the sorting of mail; bar width, height and spacing are fixed; The USPS® POSTNET barcode was retired effective January 28, 2013. The successor is the Intelligent Mail® bar code.

Australia Post 4-State Customer Code

Australia Post 4-State Customer Code
Character SetLengthCheck DigitSize, Module Width X, Print Ratio
numeric [0..9]81 check digitHeight of full bar: 5 mm; X=0.470 mm
ApplicationsUsed by the Australian Post for marking their parcels and mails
NotesFor redirection, reply-paid, routing (...) special symbol variants are available. More information can be found here.

Royal Mail 4-State Customer Code

Royal Mail 4-State Customer Code
Character SetLengthCheck DigitSize, Module Width X, Print Ratio
alphanumeric [0..9, A-Z]max. Number: 9 characters1 Check digitHeight of full bar: 5.1 mm; X=0.577 mm
ApplicationsThe RM4SCC (Royal Mail 4-State Customer Code) is used in mass shipment methods "Cleanmail" and "Mailsort" of the Royal Mail to coding the zip code.

Royal Mail 4-State Mailmark

Royal Mail 4-State Mailmark
Character SetLengthCheck DigitSize, Module Width X, Print Ratio
alphanumeric [0..9, A-Z]Type L: 26 characters
Type C: 22 characters
Error detection and correction is included in the codeHeight of full bar: 5.1 mm; X=0.508 mm
ApplicationsThe Royal Mail 4-state Mailmark is used by retail and network access services for identifying post items.
There are two types of 4-state Mailmark barcodes available: Type L (long) for Domestic Sorted and Unsorted customers. Type C for Domestic Sorted "Consolidator" customers.

USPS Intelligent Mail®

USPS Intelligent Mail
Character SetLengthCheck DigitSize, Module Width X, Print Ratio
numeric [0..9]20 digits + 0, 5, 9, or 11-digit ZIP Codeautomatic (symbology specific)module width: 0.577 mm, height: 3.7 mm; print ratio: 1:1
ApplicationsThe Intelligent Mail barcode (formerly known as the 4-State Customer Barcode) is the latest generation of USPS® barcode technology used to sort and track letters and flats. The Intelligent Mail barcode combines the capabilities of the POSTNET™ barcode and the PLANET Code® barcode.


Character SetLengthCheck DigitSize, Module Width X, Print Ratio
alphanumeric [A-Z, 0..9]13 digits1H>=15% of L (H>=9 mm, H>=12.5 mm recommended); X>= 0.25 mms and <= 0.51 mms (X>= 0.33 mms recommended)
Applications The UPU S10 is used internationally for the sorting and tracking of postal items. The barcode defined by the Universal Postal Union encodes 13 digits and is mainly based on Code-128, but can also be implemented with Code-39.
NotesThe S10 number consists of a 2-letter service indicator (a), an 8-digit serial number (s), the check digit (c) and a 2-letter ISO country code (i) - Format: aasssssssscii
Example: EM100027995SE.

Definition of colored elements in above barcodes X ... Module width (Modulbreite)
Pr.. Print ratio
L... Width of barcode
H... Height of barcode
b ... Width of bars/spaces
e... Distance between bars
p... Distance between characters