tbarcode.h File Reference

Header File for TBarCode Library. More...


#define TEC_WIN   1
 Defined if platform is Windows.
#define TEC_WINCE   1
 Defined if platform is Windows CE.
#define TBARCODE_VERSION   "8.0.0"
 Current TBarCode version.
#define TBARCODE_8_0_0
 Symbol that identifies TBarCode 8.0.0.
#define TECIT_STDCALL   _stdcall
 Defines calling convention.
#define TBARCODEDLL_API   __declspec(dllimport)
 Exports/imports DLL interface.
#define TEC_MAX_INPUT   10000
#define S_OK   ((HRESULT) 0x00000000L)
#define S_FALSE   ((HRESULT) 0x00000001L)
#define BC_USEDEFAULT   -1
 Constant indicating a default value.
#define ERRCODE   LONG
 Data-type for error-codes.
#define ErrOk   S_OK
#define BCGetLibraryVersion   BCGetLibraryVersionA
#define BCInitLibrary   BCInitLibraryA
#define BCLicenseMe   BCLicenseMeA
#define BCGetBCList   BCGetBCListA
#define BCGetText   BCGetTextA
#define BCSetText   BCSetTextA
#define BCGetFormat   BCGetFormatA
#define BCSetFormat   BCSetFormatA
#define BCGetRatio   BCGetRatioA
#define BCSetRatio   BCSetRatioA
#define BCGetFontName   BCGetFontNameA
#define BCSetFontName   BCSetFontNameA
#define BCGetDisplayText   BCGetDisplayTextA
#define BCSetDisplayText   BCSetDisplayTextA
#define BCGetCheckDigits   BCGetCheckDigitsA
#define BCCalcCDExt   BCCalcCDExtA
#define BCGetNameFromEnum   BCGetNameFromEnumA
#define BCGetCDList   BCGetCDListA
#define BCGetModWidth   BCGetModWidthA
#define BCSetModWidth   BCSetModWidthA
#define BCCopyToClipboardEx   BCCopyToClipboardExA
#define BCSaveImage   BCSaveImageA
#define BCSaveImageEx   BCSaveImageExA
#define BCBitmapToFile   BCBitmapToFileA
#define BCBitmapToMemory   BCBitmapToMemoryA
#define BCPCLToFile   BCPCLToFileA
#define BCPCLToFileExt   BCPCLToFileExtA
#define BCPDFToFile   BCPDFToFileA
#define BCPostscriptToFile   BCPostscriptToFileA
#define BCGetPostscriptMacros   BCGetPostscriptMacrosA
#define BCGetMetaData   BCGetMetaDataA
#define BCGetErrorText   BCGetErrorTextA
#define BCGetErrorTextExt   BCGetErrorTextExtA
#define BCGet_PDF417_RowColRatio   BCGet_PDF417_RowColRatioA
#define BCSet_PDF417_RowColRatio   BCSet_PDF417_RowColRatioA
#define BCGet_PDF417_FileID   BCGet_PDF417_FileIDA
#define BCSet_PDF417_FileID   BCSet_PDF417_FileIDA
#define BCGet_PDF417_FileName   BCGet_PDF417_FileNameA
#define BCSet_PDF417_FileName   BCSet_PDF417_FileNameA
#define BCGet_PDF417_Sender   BCGet_PDF417_SenderA
#define BCSet_PDF417_Sender   BCSet_PDF417_SenderA
#define BCGet_PDF417_Addressee   BCGet_PDF417_AddresseeA
#define BCSet_PDF417_Addressee   BCSet_PDF417_AddresseeA
#define BCGet_MPDF417_Versions   BCGet_MPDF417_VersionsA
#define BCSet_Maxi_UsePreamble   BCSet_Maxi_UsePreambleA
#define BCGet_Maxi_PreambleDate   BCGet_Maxi_PreambleDateA
#define BCGet_Maxi_SCMServClass   BCGet_Maxi_SCMServClassA
#define BCGet_Maxi_SCMCountryCode   BCGet_Maxi_SCMCountryCodeA
#define BCGet_Maxi_SCMPostalCode   BCGet_Maxi_SCMPostalCodeA
#define BCSet_Maxi_SCM   BCSet_Maxi_SCMA
#define BCGetDataMatrixSizes   BCGetDataMatrixSizesA
#define BCGet_Aztec_FormatSpecifier   BCGet_Aztec_FormatSpecifierA
#define BCSet_Aztec_Format   BCSet_Aztec_FormatA
#define BCGet_Aztec_AppendTotal   BCGet_Aztec_AppendTotalA
#define BCGet_Aztec_AppendIndex   BCGet_Aztec_AppendIndexA
#define BCGet_Aztec_AppendMessageID   BCGet_Aztec_AppendMessageIDA
#define BCSet_Aztec_AppendData   BCSet_Aztec_AppendDataA
#define BCGetAztecSizes   BCGetAztecSizesA
#define BCGet_QR_FmtAppIndicator   BCGet_QR_FmtAppIndicatorA
#define BCSet_QR_FmtAppIndicator   BCSet_QR_FmtAppIndicatorA
#define BCCalcStructApp_Parity   BCCalcStructApp_ParityA
#define BCGetQRCodeVersions   BCGetQRCodeVersionsA


typedef struct
 Forward declaration of the internal used barcode structure.
typedef ERRCODE(* fn_DrawRow )(VOID *customData, t_BarCode *barcode, HDC drawDC, HDC targetDC, DOUBLE x, DOUBLE y, DOUBLE width, DOUBLE height)
 Callback-function which is called instead of drawing a barcode row.
typedef ERRCODE(* fn_DrawBar )(VOID *customData, HDC drawDC, DOUBLE x, DOUBLE y, DOUBLE width, DOUBLE height)
 Data-type for custom bar-drawing callback-function.
typedef ERRCODE(* fn_DrawText )(VOID *customData, HDC drawDC, LPLOGFONTA font, DOUBLE x, DOUBLE y, e_BCAlign alignment, LPCSTR text, INT numberOfCharacters)
 Data-type for custom human readable text drawing callback-function.
typedef ERRCODE(* fn_DrawRing )(VOID *customData, HDC drawDC, DOUBLE x, DOUBLE y, DOUBLE rInner, DOUBLE rOuter)
 Data-type for custom MaxiCode finder drawing callback-function.
typedef ERRCODE(* fn_DrawHexagon )(VOID *customData, HDC drawDC, DOUBLE points_x[6], DOUBLE points_y[6])
 Data-type for custom MaxiCode hexagon drawing callback-function.


BOOL BCAttach ()
 Initializes TBarCode for further use (Windows static library only).
BOOL BCAttachInstance (HINSTANCE hInstance)
 Attach library to given instance (Windows static library only).
BOOL BCDetach ()
 Detach library from process (Windows static library only).
ERRCODE BCDeInitLibrary ()
 De-initializes TBarCode Library (UNIX and Windows CE only).
ERRCODE BCAlloc (t_BarCode **pBarCode)
 Allocates and initializes barcode structure.
ERRCODE BCFree (t_BarCode *pBarCode)
 Frees barcode structure.
ERRCODE BCCreate (t_BarCode *pBarCode)
 Creates the internal barcode representation.
e_BarCType BCGetBCType (t_BarCode *pBarCode)
 Gets the barcode type (symbology) currently adjusted.
ERRCODE BCSetBCType (t_BarCode *pBarCode, e_BarCType eType)
 Chooses the required barcode type (symbology).
LONG BCGetBCCount ()
 Returns number of implemented barcodes.
BOOL BCIsTextUnicode (t_BarCode *pBarCode)
 Returns type of current input data.
LONG BCGetTextLen (t_BarCode *pBarCode)
 Gets length of barcode input data.
e_EncodingMode BCGetEncodingMode (t_BarCode *pBarCode)
 Gets the data encoding mode.
ERRCODE BCSetEncodingMode (t_BarCode *pBarCode, e_EncodingMode eMode)
 Sets the data encoding mode.
e_CodePage BCGetCodePage (t_BarCode *pBarCode)
 Gets the input data encoding code page.
UINT BCGetCodePageCustom (t_BarCode *pBarCode)
 Gets the input data encoding code page.
ERRCODE BCSetCodePage (t_BarCode *pBarCode, e_CodePage eCodePage)
 Sets the input data encoding code page.
ERRCODE BCSetCodePageCustom (t_BarCode *pBarCode, UINT nCodePage)
 Sets the input data encoding code page.
e_Compression BCGetCompression (t_BarCode *pBarCode)
 Returns mode of data compression for barcode content.
ERRCODE BCSetCompression (t_BarCode *pBarCode, e_Compression eCompression)
 Sets compression mode for barcode content.
BOOL BCGetTranslateEsc (t_BarCode *pBarCode)
 Gets current state information regarding escape-sequence translation.
ERRCODE BCSetTranslateEsc (t_BarCode *pBarCode, BOOL bTranslate)
 Activates/deactivates the translation of escape-sequences.
ERRCODE BCCheck (t_BarCode *pBarCode)
 Checks barcode input data for validity.
LONG BCGetMaxLenOfData (e_BarCType eType)
 Returns the number of characters for a specified barcode.
LONG BCGetBkMode (t_BarCode *pBarCode)
 Gets current background drawing mode.
ERRCODE BCSetBkMode (t_BarCode *pBarCode, LONG nMode)
 Sets background drawing mode.
LONG BCGetBearerBarWidth (t_BarCode *pBarCode)
 Gets the current width of the bearer bars.
ERRCODE BCSetBearerBarWidth (t_BarCode *pBarCode, LONG nBearerWidth)
 Sets the width of the bearer bars [1/1000 mm].
e_BearerBar BCGetBearerBarType (t_BarCode *pBarCode)
 Gets the current type of the bearer bars.
ERRCODE BCSetBearerBarType (t_BarCode *pBarCode, e_BearerBar eType)
 Sets the type of the bearer bars.
BOOL BCGetMirror (t_BarCode *pBarCode)
 Gets if barcode is drawn mirrored (Windows only).
ERRCODE BCSetMirror (t_BarCode *pBarCode, BOOL bMirror)
 Sets if barcode is drawn mirrored (Windows only).
LONG BCGetNotchHeight (t_BarCode *pBarCode)
 Gets the current additional length of the synchronization bars (notches).
ERRCODE BCSetNotchHeight (t_BarCode *pBarCode, LONG nHeight)
 Sets the additional length of the synchronization bars (notches).
e_Degree BCGetRotation (t_BarCode *pBarCode)
 Gets the current rotation of the barcode.
ERRCODE BCSetRotation (t_BarCode *pBarCode, e_Degree eRotation)
 Sets the rotation of the barcode (counter-clockwise).
COLORREF BCGetColorBC (t_BarCode *pBarCode)
ERRCODE BCSetColorBC (t_BarCode *pBarCode, COLORREF color)
 Sets the color the of barcode.
COLORREF BCGetColorFont (t_BarCode *pBarCode)
 Gets the current color of the human readable text.
ERRCODE BCSetColorFont (t_BarCode *pBarCode, COLORREF color)
 Sets the color of the human readable text.
COLORREF BCGetColorBk (t_BarCode *pBarCode)
 Gets the current background color.
ERRCODE BCSetColorBk (t_BarCode *pBarCode, COLORREF color)
 Sets the color of the barcode background.
e_ColorMode BCGetColorMode (const t_BarCode *pBarcode)
 Retrieves the color mode (CMYK, RGB, or Grayscale).
VOID BCSetColorMode (t_BarCode *pBarcode, e_ColorMode mode)
 Sets the color mode (CMYK, RGB, or Grayscale).
VOID BCSetBarcodeColorCMYK (t_BarCode *pBarcode, DOUBLE dCyan, DOUBLE dMagenta, DOUBLE dYellow, DOUBLE dBlack)
 Sets the color of the barcode.
VOID BCGetBarcodeColorCMYK (const t_BarCode *pBarcode, DOUBLE *pdCyan, DOUBLE *pdMagenta, DOUBLE *pdYellow, DOUBLE *pdBlack)
 Retrieves the color of the barcode.
VOID BCSetBarcodeColorGDI (t_BarCode *pBarcode, COLORREF color)
 Sets the color of the barcode.
VOID BCGetBarcodeColorGDI (const t_BarCode *pBarcode, COLORREF *pColor)
 Retrieves the color of the barcode.
VOID BCSetBarcodeColorGray (t_BarCode *pBarcode, DOUBLE dGray)
 Sets the color of the barcode.
VOID BCGetBarcodeColorGray (const t_BarCode *pBarcode, DOUBLE *pdGray)
 Retrieves the color of the barcode.
VOID BCSetBarcodeColorRGB (t_BarCode *pBarcode, DOUBLE dRed, DOUBLE dGreen, DOUBLE dBlue)
 Sets the color of the barcode.
VOID BCGetBarcodeColorRGB (const t_BarCode *pBarcode, DOUBLE *pdRed, DOUBLE *pdGreen, DOUBLE *pdBlue)
 Retrieves the RGB color of the barcode.
VOID BCSetBackgroundColorCMYK (t_BarCode *pBarcode, DOUBLE dCyan, DOUBLE dMagenta, DOUBLE dYellow, DOUBLE dBlack)
 Sets the background color the of barcode.
VOID BCGetBackgroundColorCMYK (const t_BarCode *pBarcode, DOUBLE *pdCyan, DOUBLE *pdMagenta, DOUBLE *pdYellow, DOUBLE *pdBlack)
 Retrieves the background color of the barcode.
VOID BCSetBackgroundColorGDI (t_BarCode *pBarcode, COLORREF color)
 Sets the background color of the barcode.
VOID BCGetBackgroundColorGDI (const t_BarCode *pBarcode, COLORREF *pColor)
 Retrieves the background color of the barcode.
VOID BCSetBackgroundColorGray (t_BarCode *pBarcode, DOUBLE dGray)
 Sets the background color of the barcode.
VOID BCGetBackgroundColorGray (const t_BarCode *pBarcode, DOUBLE *pdGray)
 Retrieves the background color of the barcode.
VOID BCSetBackgroundColorRGB (t_BarCode *pBarcode, DOUBLE dRed, DOUBLE dGreen, DOUBLE dBlue)
 Sets the background color of the barcode.
VOID BCGetBackgroundColorRGB (const t_BarCode *pBarcode, DOUBLE *pdRed, DOUBLE *pdGreen, DOUBLE *pdBlue)
 Retrieves the background color of the barcode.
VOID BCSetFontColorCMYK (t_BarCode *pBarcode, DOUBLE dCyan, DOUBLE dMagenta, DOUBLE dYellow, DOUBLE dBlack)
 Sets the font color of the barcode.
VOID BCGetFontColorCMYK (const t_BarCode *pBarcode, DOUBLE *pdCyan, DOUBLE *pdMagenta, DOUBLE *pdYellow, DOUBLE *pdBlack)
 Retrieves the font color of the barcode.
VOID BCSetFontColorGDI (t_BarCode *pBarcode, COLORREF color)
 Sets the font color of the barcode.
VOID BCGetFontColorGDI (const t_BarCode *pBarcode, COLORREF *pColor)
 Sets the font color of the barcode.
VOID BCSetFontColorGray (t_BarCode *pBarcode, DOUBLE dGray)
 Sets the font color of the barcode.
VOID BCGetFontColorGray (const t_BarCode *pBarcode, DOUBLE *pdGray)
 Retrieves the font color of the barcode.
VOID BCSetFontColorRGB (t_BarCode *pBarcode, DOUBLE dRed, DOUBLE dGreen, DOUBLE dBlue)
 Sets the font color of the barcode.
VOID BCGetFontColorRGB (const t_BarCode *pBarcode, DOUBLE *pdRed, DOUBLE *pdGreen, DOUBLE *pdBlue)
 Retrieves the font color of the barcode.
LPCSTR BCGetRatioHint (e_BarCType eType)
 Returns the format hint for the print-ratio.
LPCSTR BCGetRatioString (e_BarCType eType)
 Returns the default print-ratio string of the barcode.
LONG BCGetCountBars (e_BarCType eBarCType)
 Returns number of different bar-widths used by the symbology.
LONG BCGetCountSpaces (e_BarCType eBarCType)
 Returns number of different space-widths used by the symbology.
ERRCODE BCSetQuietZone (t_BarCode *pBarCode, LPRECT prQuietZone, e_QZMUnit eQZMUnit)
 Sets quiet-zones and units used for quiet-zones.
LPCRECT BCGetQuietZone (t_BarCode *pBarCode)
 Gets current quiet-zone settings.
e_QZMUnit BCGetQuietZoneUnit (t_BarCode *pBarCode)
 Gets current measurement unit used for specifying quiet-zones.
LOGFONTA * BCGetLogFont (t_BarCode *pBarCode)
 Gets current font for human readable text (Windows only).
ERRCODE BCSetLogFont (t_BarCode *pBarCode, const LOGFONTA *lf)
 Sets the font for the human readable text (Windows only).
INT BCGetFontHeight (t_BarCode *pBarCode)
 Gets the font size [points] for human readable text (Unix only).
ERRCODE BCSetFontHeight (t_BarCode *pBarCode, INT nHeight)
 Sets the font size [points] for human readable text (Unix only).
ERRCODE BCSetPrintText (t_BarCode *pBarCode, BOOL bReadable, BOOL bAbove)
 Sets human-readable text options.
BOOL BCGetTextAbove (t_BarCode *pBarCode)
 Determines if human-readable text is printed below or above the barcode.
BOOL BCGetPrintText (t_BarCode *pBarCode)
 Determines if human-readable text is printed.
LONG BCGetTextDist (t_BarCode *pBarCode)
 Gets the current distance between the human readable text and the barcode.
ERRCODE BCSetTextDist (t_BarCode *pBarCode, LONG nTextDist)
 Sets the distance between human readable text and the barcode.
e_BCAlign BCGetTextAlignment (t_BarCode *pBarCode)
 Gets alignment of the human readable text.
ERRCODE BCSetTextAlignment (t_BarCode *pBarCode, e_BCAlign eAlign)
 Selects the alignment of the human readable text.
e_CDMethod BCGetCDMethod (t_BarCode *pBarCode)
 Gets the check-digit method currently in use.
ERRCODE BCSetCDMethod (t_BarCode *pBarCode, e_CDMethod eMethod)
 Chooses check-digit method to be used.
ERRCODE BCCalcCD (t_BarCode *pBarCode)
 Calculates check-digit(s).
e_CDMethodBCGetCDListByType (e_BarCType eBCType)
 Returns the implemented check-digit methods for a barcode symbology.
LONG BCGetCDCount ()
 Returns number of implemented check-digit methods.
LONG BCGet2D_XRows (const t_BarCode *pBarCode)
 Returns the height of the barcode in modules.
LONG BCGet2D_XCols (const t_BarCode *pBarCode)
 Returns the width of the barcode in modules.
DOUBLE BCGetCountModules (const t_BarCode *pBarCode)
 Returns the number of modules in the barcode.
LONG BCGetCountRows (const t_BarCode *pBarCode)
 Returns the number of rows in the barcode.
DOUBLE BCGetModuleWidth (t_BarCode *pBarCode, LPRECT pRect, HDC hDC, e_MUnit eUnit)
 Returns the module width.
DOUBLE BCGetBarcodeWidth (t_BarCode *pBarCode, LPRECT pRect, HDC hDC, e_MUnit eUnit)
 Returns the total width of the barcode symbol.
DOUBLE BCGetBarcodeHeight (t_BarCode *pBarCode, LPRECT pRect, HDC hDC, e_MUnit eUnit)
 Returns the height of the barcode symbol.
ERRCODE BCGetBarcodeSize (t_BarCode *pBarCode, LPRECT pRect, HDC hDC, e_MUnit eUnit, DOUBLE *pdWidth, DOUBLE *pdHeight)
 Computes the barcode size (recommended method).
DOUBLE BCGetTextAreaHeight (t_BarCode *pBarCode, LPRECT pRect, HDC hDC, e_MUnit eUnit)
 Returns the height of the human readable text area.
LONG BCGetDPIHorz (t_BarCode *pBarCode)
 Gets current user-defined horizontal resolution.
LONG BCGetDPIVert (t_BarCode *pBarCode)
 Gets current user-defined vertical resolution.
ERRCODE BCSetDPI (t_BarCode *pBarCode, LONG nDPIHorz, LONG nDPIVert)
 Sets user defined resolution.
BOOL BCGetIgnoreDpiFromDC (t_BarCode *pBarCode)
 Retrieves whether TBarCode ignores the resolution of the device context (Windows only).
ERRCODE BCSetIgnoreDpiFromDC (t_BarCode *pBarCode, BOOL bIgnore)
 Determines whether TBarCode shall ignore the resolution from the device context (Windows only).
LONG BCGetModWidthN (t_BarCode *pBarCode)
 Gets the module width.
ERRCODE BCSetModWidthN (t_BarCode *pBarCode, LONG moduleWidth)
 Sets a fixed module width (value is passed as numeric parameter [0.001 mm]).
BOOL BCGetMustFit (t_BarCode *pBarCode)
 Returns if the barcode must fit into the bounding rectangle.
ERRCODE BCSetMustFit (t_BarCode *pBarCode, BOOL bMustFit)
 Checks if the barcode fits into the bounding rectangle.
BOOL BCGetOptResolution (t_BarCode *pBarCode)
 Gets current barcode optimizing behavior.
ERRCODE BCSetOptResolution (t_BarCode *pBarCode, BOOL bOpt)
 Optimize barcode resolution.
e_SizeMode BCGetSizeMode (const t_BarCode *pBarCode)
 Retrieves the mode that determines the barcode size.
ERRCODE BCSetSizeMode (t_BarCode *pBarCode, e_SizeMode mode)
 Sets the mode that determines the barcode size.
e_Decoder BCGetDecoder (t_BarCode *pBarCode)
 Returns the type of decoder that will be used to read this barcodes.
ERRCODE BCSetDecoder (t_BarCode *pBarCode, e_Decoder eDecoder)
 Sets the type of decoder that will be used to read this barcodes.
LONG BCGetBarWidthReduction (t_BarCode *pBarCode)
 Gets current bar-width reduction value.
ERRCODE BCSetBarWidthReduction (t_BarCode *pBarCode, LONG nFactor)
 Sets bar-width reduction in percent (Pixel-Shaving).
LONG BCGetQuality (t_BarCode *pBarCode, HDC hDC, RECT *pRect)
 Returns drawing quality estimate of the barcode (in percent) (Windows only).
ERRCODE BCSetDCConversion (t_BarCode *pBarCode, BOOL bConvertDC)
 Activates or deactivates conversion of Windows GDI drawing context (DC).
BOOL BCGetDCConversion (t_BarCode *pBarCode)
 Returns TRUE if Windows GDI device context (DC) conversion is activated.
BOOL BCGetDrawMode (t_BarCode *pBarCode)
 Gets current method for drawing bars (Windows only).
ERRCODE BCSetDrawMode (t_BarCode *pBarCode, BOOL bUseGDIRect)
 Selects the method for drawing bars (Windows only).
e_DrawMode BCGetDrawModeExt (t_BarCode *pBarCode)
 Gets current method for drawing bars (Windows only).
ERRCODE BCSetDrawModeExt (t_BarCode *pBarCode, e_DrawMode eMode)
 Selects the method for drawing bars (Windows only).
ERRCODE BCDraw (t_BarCode *pBarCode, HDC hDC, RECT *pRect)
 Draws barcode onto the given Windows device context.
ERRCODE BCCopyToClipboard (t_BarCode *pBarCode, LONG nWidth, LONG nHeight)
 Copies barcode to the Windows clipboard (Windows only).
ERRCODE BCGetEnhMetaFile (t_BarCode *pBarCode, HENHMETAFILE *phEMF, LONG nWidth, LONG nHeight)
 Copies barcode into metafile (Windows only).
ERRCODE BCGetEnhMetaFileEx (t_BarCode *pBarCode, HENHMETAFILE *phEMF, HDC hDC, LONG nWidth, LONG nHeight, BOOL fTransparent)
 Copies barcode into metafile (extended version, Windows only).
ERRCODE BCSaveImageToBuffer (t_BarCode *pBarCode, LPBYTE *lpBuffer, e_IMType eImageType, LONG lXSize, LONG lYSize, LONG lXRes, LONG lYRes)
 Saves barcode as image into a memory buffer (Windows only).
ERRCODE BCSaveImageToBufferEx (t_BarCode *pBarCode, HDC hDC, LPBYTE *lpBuffer, e_IMType eImageType, LONG lQuality, LONG lXSize, LONG lYSize, LONG lXRes, LONG lYRes)
 Saves barcode as image into a memory buffer (extended version, Windows only).
BOOL BCIsImageMagickAvailable ()
 Checks whether ImageMagick-PlugIn is available.
e_PCLMode BCGetPCLMode (const t_BarCode *pBarcode)
 Retrieves the PCL output mode.
VOID BCSetPCLMode (t_BarCode *pBarcode, e_PCLMode mode)
 Sets the PCL output mode.
ERRCODE BCPCLToMemory (t_BarCode *pBarCode, VOID *pHandle, INT nSize, LPCRECT pRect)
 Writes barcode as PCL (Level 5) into memory block.
ERRCODE BCPCLToMemoryExt (t_BarCode *pBarCode, VOID *pHandle, INT *pnSize, LPCRECT pRect, BOOL bRelPos)
 Writes barcode as PCL Level 5 into memory block (extended version).
ERRCODE BCPDFToMemory (t_BarCode *pBarCode, VOID *pHandle, INT *pnSize, LPCRECT pRect)
ERRCODE BCPostscriptToMemory (t_BarCode *pBarCode, VOID *pHandle, INT nSize, LPCRECT pRect)
 Writes barcode (Postscript) into memory-block.
ERRCODE BCPostscriptToMemoryExt (t_BarCode *pBarCode, VOID *pHandle, INT *pnSize, LPCRECT pRect, BOOL bIncludeMacros)
 Writes barcode (Postscript) into memory-block (extended version).
BOOL BCGetEpsSubstwDeviceFonts (t_BarCode *pBarCode)
 Gets current setting for substitute font names for EPS.
ERRCODE BCSetEpsSubstwDeviceFonts (t_BarCode *pBarCode, BOOL bSubwDevFnts)
 Activates the substitution of font names for EPS.
fn_DrawRow BCGetFuncDrawRow (t_BarCode *pBarCode)
 Gets call-back function for drawing a single row of a barcode.
ERRCODE BCSetFuncDrawRow (t_BarCode *pBarCode, fn_DrawRow fn)
 Sets the callback function for drawing a single row of a barcode.
fn_DrawBar BCGetFuncDrawBar (t_BarCode *pBarCode)
 Gets call-back function for drawing a bar.
ERRCODE BCSetFuncDrawBar (t_BarCode *pBarCode, fn_DrawBar fn)
 Sets call-back function for drawing the bars of a barcode.
fn_DrawText BCGetFuncDrawText (t_BarCode *pBarCode)
 Gets call-back function for drawing a text Returns currently adjusted function pointer.
ERRCODE BCSetFuncDrawText (t_BarCode *pBarCode, fn_DrawText fn)
 Sets call-back function for drawing the human readable text of a barcode.
fn_DrawRing BCGetFuncDrawRing (t_BarCode *pBarCode)
 Gets call-back function for drawing a MaxiCode finder ring.
ERRCODE BCSetFuncDrawRing (t_BarCode *pBarCode, fn_DrawRing fn)
 Sets call-back function for drawing the MaxiCode finder rings.
fn_DrawHexagon BCGetFuncDrawHexagon (t_BarCode *pBarCode)
 Gets call-back function for drawing a MaxiCode hexagon.
ERRCODE BCSetFuncDrawHexagon (t_BarCode *pBarCode, fn_DrawHexagon fn)
 Sets call-back function for drawing the MaxiCode finder rings.
LPVOID BCGetCBData (t_BarCode *pBarCode)
 Gets the user-defined data that is passed to the callback functions.
VOID BCSetCBData (t_BarCode *pBarCode, LPVOID pData)
 Sets the user-defined data that is passed to the callback functions.
ERRCODE BCDrawCB (t_BarCode *pBarCode, HDC hDC, RECT *pRect)
 Callback version of barcode draw function.
BOOL BCGet_MultiBC_Enabled (t_BarCode *pBarCode)
 Returns TRUE if drawing of multiple barcodes is enabled.
ERRCODE BCSet_MultiBC_Enabled (t_BarCode *pBarCode, BOOL bOn)
 Enables/disables drawing of multiple barcodes for large data sets.
LONG BCGet_MultiBC_Rows (t_BarCode *pBarCode)
 Returns number of rows for Multiple Barcodes mode.
ERRCODE BCSet_MultiBC_Rows (t_BarCode *pBarCode, INT nNumRows)
 Sets the number of rows that should be drawn in Multiple Barcodes mode.
LONG BCGet_MultiBC_Columns (t_BarCode *pBarCode)
 Returns number of columns for Multiple Barcodes mode.
ERRCODE BCSet_MultiBC_Columns (t_BarCode *pBarCode, INT nNumCols)
 Sets the number of columns that should be drawn in Multiple Barcodes mode.
LONG BCGet_MultiBC_HDist (t_BarCode *pBarCode)
 Returns the minimum horizontal distance between multiple barcodes.
ERRCODE BCSet_MultiBC_HDist (t_BarCode *pBarCode, LONG nDistance)
 Sets the minimum horizonal distance between multiple barcodes in 1/1000 mm.
LONG BCGet_MultiBC_VDist (t_BarCode *pBarCode)
 Returns the minimum vertical distance between multiple barcodes in 1/1000 mm.
ERRCODE BCSet_MultiBC_VDist (t_BarCode *pBarCode, LONG nDistance)
 Sets the minimum vertical distance between multiple barcodes in 1/1000 mm.
LONG BCGet_MultiBC_DataLimit (t_BarCode *pBarCode)
 Returns the max number of bytes per barcode.
ERRCODE BCSet_MultiBC_DataLimit (t_BarCode *pBarCode, LONG nLimit)
 Sets the max number of bytes per barcode.
e_StructuredAppendMode BCGet_MultiBC_StructApp (t_BarCode *pBarCode)
 Returns the structured append mode.
ERRCODE BCSet_MultiBC_StructApp (t_BarCode *pBarCode, e_StructuredAppendMode eSAM)
 Sets the structured append mode.
e_DynamicBoundingRect BCGet_MultiBC_DynamicBoundingRect (t_BarCode *pBarCode)
 Gets bounding rectangle mode.
ERRCODE BCSet_MultiBC_DynamicBoundingRect (t_BarCode *pBarCode, e_DynamicBoundingRect eBoundingRect)
 Sets bounding rectangle mode.
ERRCODE BC_MultiBC_CalculateLayout (t_BarCode *pBarCode, HDC hDC, LPCRECT pRect, INT *nRequiredWidth, INT *nRequiredHeight)
 Calculates the layout for multiple barcodes.
INT BCGetInvalidDataPos (t_BarCode *pBarCode)
 Gets position of invalid character in input data.
BOOL BCGetAutoCorrect (t_BarCode *pBarCode)
 Gets auto-correct option for Code 2 of 5 interleaved.
ERRCODE BCSetAutoCorrect (t_BarCode *pBarCode, BOOL bAutoCorrect)
 Sets auto-correct option for Code 2 of 5 interleaved.
LONG BCGet_PDF417_Rows (t_BarCode *pBarCode)
 Gets number of PDF417 rows.
ERRCODE BCSet_PDF417_Rows (t_BarCode *pBarCode, LONG nRows)
 Sets number of PDF417 rows.
LONG BCGet_PDF417_Columns (t_BarCode *pBarCode)
 Gets number of PDF417 columns.
ERRCODE BCSet_PDF417_Columns (t_BarCode *pBarCode, LONG nColumns)
 Sets the number of PDF417 columns.
LONG BCGet_PDF417_ECLevel (t_BarCode *pBarCode)
 Gets current PDF417 error-correction level.
ERRCODE BCSet_PDF417_ECLevel (t_BarCode *pBarCode, LONG nLevel)
 Sets PDF417 error correction level.
LONG BCGet_PDF417_RowHeight (t_BarCode *pBarCode)
 Gets PDF417 row-height.
ERRCODE BCSet_PDF417_RowHeight (t_BarCode *pBarCode, LONG nHeight)
 Sets PDF417 row height to a fixed value.
LONG BCGet_PDF417_CodeWords (t_BarCode *pBarCode)
 Gets number of PDF417 code words.
e_PDFMode BCGet_PDF417_EncodingMode (t_BarCode *pBarCode)
 Gets the current PDF417 encodation mode.
ERRCODE BCSet_PDF417_EncodingMode (t_BarCode *pBarCode, e_PDFMode eMode)
 Sets PDF417 encodation mode.
LONG BCGet_PDF417_SegIndex (t_BarCode *pBarCode)
 Gets current Macro-PDF417 segment index.
ERRCODE BCSet_PDF417_SegIndex (t_BarCode *pBarCode, LONG nSegInx)
 Sets Macro-PDF417 segment index.
BOOL BCGet_PDF417_SegLast (t_BarCode *pBarCode)
 Returns if this is the last symbol within a Macro PDF417 symbol-chain.
ERRCODE BCSet_PDF417_SegLast (t_BarCode *pBarCode, BOOL bSegLast)
 Marks the actual symbol as the last one within the Macro PDF417 symbol chain.
LONG BCGet_PDF417_SegCount (t_BarCode *pBarCode)
 Gets Macro PDF417 segment count.
ERRCODE BCSet_PDF417_SegCount (t_BarCode *pBarCode, LONG nSegCount)
 Sets Macro PDF417 segment count (optional).
LONG BCGet_PDF417_TimeStamp (t_BarCode *pBarCode)
 Gets Macro PDF417 Time Stamp.
ERRCODE BCSet_PDF417_TimeStamp (t_BarCode *pBarCode, LONG nTimeStamp)
 Sets Macro PDF417 Time Stamp (optional).
LONG BCGet_PDF417_FileSize (t_BarCode *pBarCode)
 Gets Macro PDF417 File Size.
ERRCODE BCSet_PDF417_FileSize (t_BarCode *pBarCode, LONG nFileSize)
 Sets Macro PDF417 File Size (optional).
LONG BCGet_PDF417_CheckSum (t_BarCode *pBarCode)
 Gets Macro PDF417 Check Sum.
ERRCODE BCSet_PDF417_CheckSum (t_BarCode *pBarCode, LONG nCheckSum)
 Sets Macro PDF417 Check Sum (optional).
e_MPDFMode BCGet_MPDF417_Mode (t_BarCode *pBarCode)
 Gets Micro PDF encoding mode.
ERRCODE BCSet_MPDF417_Mode (t_BarCode *pBarCode, e_MPDFMode eMode)
 Sets Micro PDF encoding mode.
e_MPDFVers BCGet_MPDF417_Version (t_BarCode *pBarCode)
 Gets Micro PDF Version (symbol size).
ERRCODE BCSet_MPDF417_Version (t_BarCode *pBarCode, e_MPDFVers eVersion)
 Sets Micro PDF Version (symbol size).
LONG BCGet_MPDF417_VersionCount ()
 Returns number of implemented MicroPDF417 versions.
LONG BCGet_Maxi_Mode (t_BarCode *pBarCode)
 Gets current encoding mode for Maxicode.
ERRCODE BCSet_Maxi_Mode (t_BarCode *pBarCode, LONG nMode)
 Specifies the operating mode for encoding data.
LONG BCGet_Maxi_AppendSum (t_BarCode *pBarCode)
 Gets total number of symbols in "Structured Append" mode of Maxicode.
ERRCODE BCSet_Maxi_Append (t_BarCode *pBarCode, LONG nSum, LONG nIndex)
 Activates Maxicode "Structured Append" feature.
LONG BCGet_Maxi_AppendIndex (t_BarCode *pBarCode)
 Gets index of current symbol in "Structured Append" mode of Maxicode.
LONG BCGet_Maxi_UnderCut (t_BarCode *pBarCode)
 Gets current undercut value of Maxicode.
ERRCODE BCSet_Maxi_UnderCut (t_BarCode *pBarCode, LONG nUndercut)
 Specifies the undercut value of Maxicode.
BOOL BCGet_Maxi_UsePreamble (t_BarCode *pBarCode)
 Determines whether the usage of the "Preamble" is activated.
e_DMSizes BCGet_DM_Size (t_BarCode *pBarCode)
 Gets currently adjusted Data Matrix symbol size.
ERRCODE BCSet_DM_Size (t_BarCode *pBarCode, e_DMSizes eSize)
 Sets Data Matrix symbol size.
BOOL BCGet_DM_Rectangular (t_BarCode *pBarCode)
 Gets if rectangular Data Matrix sizes are preferred.
ERRCODE BCSet_DM_Rectangular (t_BarCode *pBarCode, BOOL bRect)
 Switches between square or rectangular Data Matrix symbols.
e_DMFormat BCGet_DM_Format (t_BarCode *pBarCode)
 Gets the current Data Matrix Encoding Format.
ERRCODE BCSet_DM_Format (t_BarCode *pBarCode, e_DMFormat eFormat)
 Specifies Data Matrix encoding format.
LONG BCGet_DM_AppendSum (t_BarCode *pBarCode)
 Gets the adjusted total number of symbols in Data Matrix Structured Append mode.
LONG BCGet_DM_AppendIndex (t_BarCode *pBarCode)
 Gets the current index of the symbol in Data Matrix Structured Append mode.
LONG BCGet_DM_AppendFileID (t_BarCode *pBarCode)
 Gets the adjusted File-ID in Data Matrix Structured Append mode.
ERRCODE BCSet_DM_Append (t_BarCode *pBarCode, LONG nSum, LONG nIndex, LONG nFileID)
 Activates Data Matrix "Structured Append" mode.
BOOL BC_DM_IsAppendAllowed (e_DMFormat eFormat)
 Returns if structured append is allowed depending on given format.
LONG BCGetDataMatrixSizesCount ()
 Returns the number of supported Data Matrix symbol-sizes.
e_AztecSizes BCGet_Aztec_Size (t_BarCode *pBarCode)
 Gets currently adjusted Aztec Code symbol size.
ERRCODE BCSet_Aztec_Size (t_BarCode *pBarCode, e_AztecSizes eSize)
 Sets Aztec Code symbol size.
BOOL BCGet_Aztec_EnforceBinaryEncoding (t_BarCode *pBarCode)
 Determines whether the data is encoded in binary format.
ERRCODE BCSet_Aztec_EnforceBinaryEncoding (t_BarCode *pBarCode, BOOL bEnforceBinary)
 Determines whether Aztec Code shall be encoded in binary mode or not.
e_AztecFormat BCGet_Aztec_Format (t_BarCode *pBarCode)
 Gets the current Aztec Code Encoding Format.
LONG BCGet_Aztec_ErrorCorrection (t_BarCode *pBarCode)
 Gets the number of error correction codewords in percent of the symbol size Returns currently adjusted value.
ERRCODE BCSet_Aztec_ErrorCorrection (t_BarCode *pBarCode, LONG nErrorCorrection)
 Sets the number of error correction codewords in percent (from 0 to 99) of the symbol size.
BOOL BCGet_Aztec_RuneMode (t_BarCode *pBarCode)
 Determines whether the symbol is in Aztec Rune Mode.
ERRCODE BCSet_Aztec_RuneMode (t_BarCode *pBarCode, BOOL bRuneMode)
 Determines whether symbol shall be encoded in Aztec Rune mode.
BOOL BCGet_Aztec_AppendActive (t_BarCode *pBarCode)
 Determines whether the structured append mode is active.
ERRCODE BCSet_Aztec_AppendActive (t_BarCode *pBarCode, BOOL bActivate)
 Activates/Deactivates Aztec Code "Structured Append" mode.
LONG BCGetAztecSizesCount ()
 Returns the number of supported Aztec Code symbol-sizes.
e_QRVersion BCGet_QR_Version (t_BarCode *pBarCode)
 Gets the current symbol version (the symbol size).
ERRCODE BCSet_QR_Version (t_BarCode *pBarCode, e_QRVersion eVersion)
 Specifies the symbol version (the symbol size).
e_QRFormat BCGet_QR_Format (t_BarCode *pBarCode)
 Gets the current encoding format.
ERRCODE BCSet_QR_Format (t_BarCode *pBarCode, e_QRFormat eFormat)
 Specifies QR-Code encoding format.
e_QRECLevel BCGet_QR_ECLevel (t_BarCode *pBarCode)
 Gets the current QR-Code error correction level (ECL).
ERRCODE BCSet_QR_ECLevel (t_BarCode *pBarCode, e_QRECLevel eECLevel)
 Sets QR-Code error correction level (ECL).
e_QRMask BCGet_QR_Mask (t_BarCode *pBarCode)
 Gets the current QR-Code mask pattern (0-7).
ERRCODE BCSet_QR_Mask (t_BarCode *pBarCode, e_QRMask eMask)
 Sets QR-Code mask pattern (0-7).
e_QRMBCompaction BCGet_QR_KanjiChineseCompaction (t_BarCode *pBarCode)
 Gets the current state of the QR-Code "Compact Kanji / Chinese" option.
ERRCODE BCSet_QR_KanjiChineseCompaction (t_BarCode *pBarCode, e_QRMBCompaction eCompact)
 Enables QR-Code "Compact Kanji" or "Compact Chinese" option.
LONG BCGet_QR_AppendSum (t_BarCode *pBarCode)
 Gets the total number of symbol when using QR-Code "Structured Append".
LONG BCGet_QR_AppendIndex (t_BarCode *pBarCode)
 Gets the structured append index of the symbol when using QR-Code "Structured Append".
BYTE BCGet_QR_AppendParity (t_BarCode *pBarCode)
 Gets the structured append parity when using QR-Code "Structured Append".
ERRCODE BCSet_QR_Append (t_BarCode *pBarCode, LONG nSum, LONG nIndex, BYTE bParity)
 Activates QR-Code "Structured Append" feature.
LONG BCGetQRCodeVersionCount ()
 Returns number of implemented QR-Code versions.
e_CBFFormat BCGet_CBF_Format (t_BarCode *pBarCode)
 Gets the adjusted Codablock-F code format.
ERRCODE BCSet_CBF_Format (t_BarCode *pBarCode, e_CBFFormat eFormat)
 Sets Codablock-F code format.
LONG BCGet_CBF_Columns (t_BarCode *pBarCode)
 Gets the number of adjusted Codablock-F columns.
ERRCODE BCSet_CBF_Columns (t_BarCode *pBarCode, LONG nColumns)
 Adjusts the number of Codablock-F columns.
LONG BCGet_CBF_Rows (t_BarCode *pBarCode)
 Gets the adjusted number of Codablock-F rows.
ERRCODE BCSet_CBF_Rows (t_BarCode *pBarCode, LONG nRows)
 Adjusts the number of Codablock-F rows.
LONG BCGet_CBF_RowHeight (t_BarCode *pBarCode)
 Gets the adjusted row height for Codablock-F.
ERRCODE BCSet_CBF_RowHeight (t_BarCode *pBarCode, LONG nHeight)
 Sets the row height for Codablock-F.
LONG BCGet_CBF_RowSeparatorHeight (t_BarCode *pBarCode)
 Gets the currently adjusted row separator height for Codablock-F.
ERRCODE BCSet_CBF_RowSeparatorHeight (t_BarCode *pBarCode, LONG nHeight)
 Sets the height of the Codablock-F row-separator.
e_CCType BCGet2DCompositeComponent (t_BarCode *pBarCode)
 Gets adjusted 2D Composite Component.
ERRCODE BCSet2DCompositeComponent (t_BarCode *pBarCode, e_CCType eCCType)
 Sets 2D Composite Component (= CC) Type.
BOOL BCGet_CompSym_IsCCPresent (t_BarCode *pBarCode)
 Determines if a composite component was created.
BOOL BCGet_CompSym_IsCCAvailable (t_BarCode *pBarCode, e_CCType eCCType)
 Check if a composite component is available for the current base symbology.
BOOL BCGet_CompSym_ErrorInCC (t_BarCode *pBarCode)
 Determines the source of the error when creating composite symbologies.
BOOL BCIsCompositeAllowed (e_BarCType barcodeType)
 Retrieves whether the barcode type can be a composite barcode.
BOOL BCIsCompositeComponentAllowed (e_BarCType barcodeType, e_CCType componentType)
 Retrieves whether the barcode type can be a composite barcode with a certain component.
LONG BCGet_RSS_SegmPerRow (t_BarCode *pBarCode)
 Gets currently adjusted data segments per row (RSS Expanded Stacked only).
ERRCODE BCSet_RSS_SegmPerRow (t_BarCode *pBarCode, LONG nSegmPerRow)
 Sets data segments per Row (RSS Expanded Stacked only) to a fixed value.
ERRCODE BCGetLibraryVersionA (INT *pMajor, INT *pMinor, INT *pRelease, INT *pRevision, LPCSTR *pszVersion, LPCSTR *pszBuildDate)
ERRCODE BCGetLibraryVersionW (INT *pMajor, INT *pMinor, INT *pRelease, INT *pRevision, LPCWSTR *pszVersion, LPCWSTR *pszBuildDate)
ERRCODE BCInitLibraryA (LPCSTR szPath)
 Initializes TBarCode Library (UNIX and Windows CE only).
 Initializes TBarCode Library (UNIX and Windows CE only).
ERRCODE BCLicenseMeA (LPCSTR lpszLicensee, e_licKind eKindOfLicense, DWORD dwNoOfLicenses, LPCSTR lpszKey, e_licProduct eProductID)
 License TBarCode.
ERRCODE BCLicenseMeW (LPCWSTR lpszLicensee, e_licKind eKindOfLicense, DWORD dwNoOfLicenses, LPCWSTR lpszKey, e_licProduct eProductID)
 License TBarCode.
 Returns implemented barcode symbologies Returns string-array of implemented barcodes.
 Returns implemented barcode symbologies Returns string-array of implemented barcodes.
LPCSTR BCGetTextA (t_BarCode *pBarCode)
 Gets barcode text.
LPCWSTR BCGetTextW (t_BarCode *pBarCode)
 Gets barcode text.
ERRCODE BCSetTextA (t_BarCode *pBarCode, LPCSTR szText, LONG nLen)
 Sets barcode text (ASCII version).
ERRCODE BCSetTextW (t_BarCode *pBarCode, LPCWSTR szText, LONG nLen)
 Sets barcode text (ASCII version).
LPCSTR BCGetFormatA (t_BarCode *pBarCode)
 Gets current format string.
LPCWSTR BCGetFormatW (t_BarCode *pBarCode)
 Gets current format string.
ERRCODE BCSetFormatA (t_BarCode *pBarCode, LPCSTR szFormat)
 Sets format string applied to barcode data prior encoding.
ERRCODE BCSetFormatW (t_BarCode *pBarCode, LPCWSTR szFormat)
 Sets format string applied to barcode data prior encoding.
LPCSTR BCGetRatioA (t_BarCode *pBarCode)
 Gets current print-ratio string.
LPCWSTR BCGetRatioW (t_BarCode *pBarCode)
 Gets current print-ratio string.
ERRCODE BCSetRatioA (t_BarCode *pBarCode, LPCSTR szRatio)
 Set print-ratio string.
ERRCODE BCSetRatioW (t_BarCode *pBarCode, LPCWSTR szRatio)
 Set print-ratio string.
CHAR * BCGetFontNameA (t_BarCode *pBarCode)
 Gets the current font for human readable text (Unix only).
WCHAR * BCGetFontNameW (t_BarCode *pBarCode)
 Gets the current font for human readable text (Unix only).
ERRCODE BCSetFontNameA (t_BarCode *pBarCode, const CHAR *szName)
 Sets the font for human readable text (UNIX only).
ERRCODE BCSetFontNameW (t_BarCode *pBarCode, const WCHAR *szName)
 Sets the font for human readable text (UNIX only).
LPCSTR BCGetDisplayTextA (t_BarCode *pBarCode)
 Gets the current human readable text set with BCSetDisplayText().
LPCWSTR BCGetDisplayTextW (t_BarCode *pBarCode)
 Gets the current human readable text set with BCSetDisplayText().
ERRCODE BCSetDisplayTextA (t_BarCode *pBarCode, LPCSTR szText)
 Sets the human readable text.
ERRCODE BCSetDisplayTextW (t_BarCode *pBarCode, LPCWSTR szText)
 Sets the human readable text.
LONG BCGetCheckDigitsA (t_BarCode *pBarCode, LPSTR lpszCDText, LONG nSize)
 Returns all computed check-digits for the current barcode.
LONG BCGetCheckDigitsW (t_BarCode *pBarCode, LPWSTR lpszCDText, LONG nSize)
 Returns all computed check-digits for the current barcode.
ERRCODE BCCalcCDExtA (t_BarCode *pBarCode, LPCSTR lpszData, e_CDMethod eCDMethod, LPSTR lpszChecksum, LONG *nChecksum)
 Calculates check-digit(s) for a given data string.
ERRCODE BCCalcCDExtW (t_BarCode *pBarCode, LPCWSTR lpszData, e_CDMethod eCDMethod, LPWSTR lpszChecksum, LONG *nChecksum)
 Calculates check-digit(s) for a given data string.
LPCSTR BCGetNameFromEnumA (e_CDMethod eCDMethod)
 Returns name of check-digit method.
LPCWSTR BCGetNameFromEnumW (e_CDMethod eCDMethod)
 Returns name of check-digit method.
 Returns the implemented check-digit methods.
 Returns the implemented check-digit methods.
LPCSTR BCGetModWidthA (t_BarCode *pBarCode)
 Gets the current module width (value is returned as string).
LPCWSTR BCGetModWidthW (t_BarCode *pBarCode)
 Gets the current module width (value is returned as string).
ERRCODE BCSetModWidthA (t_BarCode *pBarCode, LPCSTR szModWidth)
 Sets a fixed module width (value is passed as string [0.001 mm]).
ERRCODE BCSetModWidthW (t_BarCode *pBarCode, LPCWSTR szModWidth)
 Sets a fixed module width (value is passed as string [0.001 mm]).
ERRCODE BCCopyToClipboardExA (t_BarCode *pBarCode, HDC hDC, LONG nWidth, LONG nHeight, BOOL fTransparent, LPCSTR szFileName)
 Copies barcode to clipboard (extended version, Windows only).
ERRCODE BCCopyToClipboardExW (t_BarCode *pBarCode, HDC hDC, LONG nWidth, LONG nHeight, BOOL fTransparent, LPCWSTR szFileName)
 Copies barcode to clipboard (extended version, Windows only).
ERRCODE BCSaveImageA (t_BarCode *pBarCode, LPCSTR lpszFileName, e_IMType eImageType, LONG lXSize, LONG lYSize, LONG lXRes, LONG lYRes)
 Saves the barcode to an image-file (Windows only).
ERRCODE BCSaveImageW (t_BarCode *pBarCode, LPCWSTR lpszFileName, e_IMType eImageType, LONG lXSize, LONG lYSize, LONG lXRes, LONG lYRes)
 Saves the barcode to an image-file (Windows only).
ERRCODE BCSaveImageExA (t_BarCode *pBarCode, HDC hDC, LPCSTR lpszFileName, e_IMType eImageType, LONG lQuality, LONG lXSize, LONG lYSize, LONG lXRes, LONG lYRes)
 Saves barcode to an image-file (extended version, Windows only).
ERRCODE BCSaveImageExW (t_BarCode *pBarCode, HDC hDC, LPCWSTR lpszFileName, e_IMType eImageType, LONG lQuality, LONG lXSize, LONG lYSize, LONG lXRes, LONG lYRes)
 Saves barcode to an image-file (extended version, Windows only).
ERRCODE BCBitmapToFileA (t_BarCode *pBarCode, LPCSTR szFilename, LPCRECT pRect)
 Saves barcode as an image file.
ERRCODE BCBitmapToFileW (t_BarCode *pBarCode, LPCWSTR szFilename, LPCRECT pRect)
 Saves barcode as an image file.
ERRCODE BCBitmapToMemoryA (t_BarCode *pBarCode, VOID *pHandle, LPCSTR pszFormat, INT *pnSize, LPCRECT pRect)
 Writes barcode in an image format to memory block.
ERRCODE BCBitmapToMemoryW (t_BarCode *pBarCode, VOID *pHandle, LPCWSTR pszFormat, INT *pnSize, LPCRECT pRect)
 Writes barcode in an image format to memory block.
ERRCODE BCPCLToFileA (t_BarCode *pBarCode, LPCSTR szFilename, LPCRECT pRect)
 Saves barcode as a PCL-file.
ERRCODE BCPCLToFileW (t_BarCode *pBarCode, LPCWSTR szFilename, LPCRECT pRect)
 Saves barcode as a PCL-file.
ERRCODE BCPCLToFileExtA (t_BarCode *pBarCode, LPCSTR szFilename, LPCRECT pRect, BOOL bRelPos)
 Saves barcode as a PCL-file.
ERRCODE BCPCLToFileExtW (t_BarCode *pBarCode, LPCWSTR szFilename, LPCRECT pRect, BOOL bRelPos)
 Saves barcode as a PCL-file.
ERRCODE BCPDFToFileA (t_BarCode *pBarCode, LPCSTR szFilename, LPCRECT pRect)
ERRCODE BCPDFToFileW (t_BarCode *pBarCode, LPCWSTR szFilename, LPCRECT pRect)
ERRCODE BCPostscriptToFileA (t_BarCode *pBarCode, LPCSTR szFilename, LPCRECT pRect)
 Saves barcode as a Postscript-file.
ERRCODE BCPostscriptToFileW (t_BarCode *pBarCode, LPCWSTR szFilename, LPCRECT pRect)
 Saves barcode as a Postscript-file.
ERRCODE BCGetPostscriptMacrosA (LPSTR pszMacros, INT *pnSize)
 Returns Postscript macros of the Postscript code as a zero-terminated string.
ERRCODE BCGetPostscriptMacrosW (LPWSTR pszMacros, INT *pnSize)
 Returns Postscript macros of the Postscript code as a zero-terminated string.
LPCSTR BCGetMetaDataA (t_BarCode *pBarCode)
 Returns meta-representation of a barcode.
LPCWSTR BCGetMetaDataW (t_BarCode *pBarCode)
 Returns meta-representation of a barcode.
VOID BCGetErrorTextA (ERRCODE eCode, LPSTR szText, size_t nSize)
 Returns error text to given error-code.
VOID BCGetErrorTextW (ERRCODE eCode, LPWSTR szText, size_t nSize)
 Returns error text to given error-code.
VOID BCGetErrorTextExtA (t_BarCode *pBarCode, ERRCODE eCode, LPSTR szText, size_t nSize)
 Returns extended error text to given error-code.
VOID BCGetErrorTextExtW (t_BarCode *pBarCode, ERRCODE eCode, LPWSTR szText, size_t nSize)
 Returns extended error text to given error-code.
LPCSTR BCGet_PDF417_RowColRatioA (t_BarCode *pBarCode)
 Gets PDF417 row to column ratio.
LPCWSTR BCGet_PDF417_RowColRatioW (t_BarCode *pBarCode)
 Gets PDF417 row to column ratio.
ERRCODE BCSet_PDF417_RowColRatioA (t_BarCode *pBarCode, LPCSTR szRatio)
 Sets PDF417 row to column ratio to a fixed value.
ERRCODE BCSet_PDF417_RowColRatioW (t_BarCode *pBarCode, LPCWSTR szRatio)
 Sets PDF417 row to column ratio to a fixed value.
LPCSTR BCGet_PDF417_FileIDA (t_BarCode *pBarCode)
 Gets Macro PDF417 FileID.
LPCWSTR BCGet_PDF417_FileIDW (t_BarCode *pBarCode)
 Gets Macro PDF417 FileID.
ERRCODE BCSet_PDF417_FileIDA (t_BarCode *pBarCode, LPCSTR szFileID)
 Sets Macro PDF417 FileID.
ERRCODE BCSet_PDF417_FileIDW (t_BarCode *pBarCode, LPCWSTR szFileID)
 Sets Macro PDF417 FileID.
LPCSTR BCGet_PDF417_FileNameA (t_BarCode *pBarCode)
 Gets Macro PDF417 File Name.
LPCWSTR BCGet_PDF417_FileNameW (t_BarCode *pBarCode)
 Gets Macro PDF417 File Name.
ERRCODE BCSet_PDF417_FileNameA (t_BarCode *pBarCode, LPCSTR szFileName)
 Sets Macro PDF417 File Name (optional).
ERRCODE BCSet_PDF417_FileNameW (t_BarCode *pBarCode, LPCWSTR szFileName)
 Sets Macro PDF417 File Name (optional).
LPCSTR BCGet_PDF417_SenderA (t_BarCode *pBarCode)
 Gets Macro PDF417 Sender.
LPCWSTR BCGet_PDF417_SenderW (t_BarCode *pBarCode)
 Gets Macro PDF417 Sender.
ERRCODE BCSet_PDF417_SenderA (t_BarCode *pBarCode, LPCSTR szSender)
 Sets Macro PDF417 Sender (optional).
ERRCODE BCSet_PDF417_SenderW (t_BarCode *pBarCode, LPCWSTR szSender)
 Sets Macro PDF417 Sender (optional).
LPCSTR BCGet_PDF417_AddresseeA (t_BarCode *pBarCode)
 Gets Macro PDF417 Adressee.
LPCWSTR BCGet_PDF417_AddresseeW (t_BarCode *pBarCode)
 Gets Macro PDF417 Adressee.
ERRCODE BCSet_PDF417_AddresseeA (t_BarCode *pBarCode, LPCSTR szAddressee)
 Sets Macro PDF417 Addressee (optional).
ERRCODE BCSet_PDF417_AddresseeW (t_BarCode *pBarCode, LPCWSTR szAddressee)
 Sets Macro PDF417 Addressee (optional).
LPCSTR * BCGet_MPDF417_VersionsA ()
 Returns all possible MicroPDF417 versions (symbol sizes) in an array.
LPCWSTR * BCGet_MPDF417_VersionsW ()
 Returns all possible MicroPDF417 versions (symbol sizes) in an array.
ERRCODE BCSet_Maxi_UsePreambleA (t_BarCode *pBarCode, BOOL bUse, LPCSTR szDate)
 Activates the usage of the "Preamble" in Maxicode.
ERRCODE BCSet_Maxi_UsePreambleW (t_BarCode *pBarCode, BOOL bUse, LPCWSTR szDate)
 Activates the usage of the "Preamble" in Maxicode.
LPCSTR BCGet_Maxi_PreambleDateA (t_BarCode *pBarCode)
 Returns the curent date encoded in the Maxicode preamble.
LPCWSTR BCGet_Maxi_PreambleDateW (t_BarCode *pBarCode)
 Returns the curent date encoded in the Maxicode preamble.
LPCSTR BCGet_Maxi_SCMServClassA (t_BarCode *pBarCode)
 Gets service class of Maxicode Structured Carrier Message (SCM).
LPCWSTR BCGet_Maxi_SCMServClassW (t_BarCode *pBarCode)
 Gets service class of Maxicode Structured Carrier Message (SCM).
LPCSTR BCGet_Maxi_SCMCountryCodeA (t_BarCode *pBarCode)
 Gets country code of Maxicode Structured Carrier Message (SCM).
LPCWSTR BCGet_Maxi_SCMCountryCodeW (t_BarCode *pBarCode)
 Gets country code of Maxicode Structured Carrier Message (SCM).
LPCSTR BCGet_Maxi_SCMPostalCodeA (t_BarCode *pBarCode)
 Gets postal code of Maxicode Structured Carrier Message (SCM).
LPCWSTR BCGet_Maxi_SCMPostalCodeW (t_BarCode *pBarCode)
 Gets postal code of Maxicode Structured Carrier Message (SCM).
ERRCODE BCSet_Maxi_SCMA (t_BarCode *pBarCode, LPCSTR szServiceClass, LPCSTR szCountryCode, LPCSTR szPostalCode)
 Set Maxicode structured carrier message (SCM).
ERRCODE BCSet_Maxi_SCMW (t_BarCode *pBarCode, LPCWSTR szServiceClass, LPCWSTR szCountryCode, LPCWSTR szPostalCode)
 Set Maxicode structured carrier message (SCM).
LPCSTR * BCGetDataMatrixSizesA ()
 Returns implemented Data Matrix symbol sizes.
LPCWSTR * BCGetDataMatrixSizesW ()
 Returns implemented Data Matrix symbol sizes.
LPCSTR BCGet_Aztec_FormatSpecifierA (t_BarCode *pBarCode)
 Gets the current Aztec Code Encoding Format specifier for industry format.
LPCWSTR BCGet_Aztec_FormatSpecifierW (t_BarCode *pBarCode)
 Gets the current Aztec Code Encoding Format specifier for industry format.
ERRCODE BCSet_Aztec_FormatA (t_BarCode *pBarCode, e_AztecFormat eFormat, LPCSTR szFormatSpecifier)
 Specifies Aztec Code encoding format.
ERRCODE BCSet_Aztec_FormatW (t_BarCode *pBarCode, e_AztecFormat eFormat, LPCWSTR szFormatSpecifier)
 Specifies Aztec Code encoding format.
CHAR BCGet_Aztec_AppendTotalA (t_BarCode *pBarCode)
 Gets the adjusted total number of symbols in the Aztec Code Structured Append mode.
WCHAR BCGet_Aztec_AppendTotalW (t_BarCode *pBarCode)
 Gets the adjusted total number of symbols in the Aztec Code Structured Append mode.
CHAR BCGet_Aztec_AppendIndexA (t_BarCode *pBarCode)
 Gets the current index of the symbol in Aztec Code Structured Append mode.
WCHAR BCGet_Aztec_AppendIndexW (t_BarCode *pBarCode)
 Gets the current index of the symbol in Aztec Code Structured Append mode.
LPCSTR BCGet_Aztec_AppendMessageIDA (t_BarCode *pBarCode)
 Gets the adjusted Message-ID in Aztec Code Structured Append mode.
LPCWSTR BCGet_Aztec_AppendMessageIDW (t_BarCode *pBarCode)
 Gets the adjusted Message-ID in Aztec Code Structured Append mode.
ERRCODE BCSet_Aztec_AppendDataA (t_BarCode *pBarCode, CHAR cTotal, CHAR cIndex, LPCSTR szMessageID)
 Sets Aztec Code "Structured Append" data.
ERRCODE BCSet_Aztec_AppendDataW (t_BarCode *pBarCode, WCHAR cTotal, WCHAR cIndex, LPCWSTR szMessageID)
 Sets Aztec Code "Structured Append" data.
LPCSTR * BCGetAztecSizesA ()
 Returns the implemented Aztec Code symbol sizes.
LPCWSTR * BCGetAztecSizesW ()
 Returns the implemented Aztec Code symbol sizes.
LPCSTR BCGet_QR_FmtAppIndicatorA (t_BarCode *pBarCode)
 Gets current QR-Code Format application indicator (used with Industry format).
LPCWSTR BCGet_QR_FmtAppIndicatorW (t_BarCode *pBarCode)
 Gets current QR-Code Format application indicator (used with Industry format).
ERRCODE BCSet_QR_FmtAppIndicatorA (t_BarCode *pBarCode, LPCSTR szIndicator)
 Set QR-Code format Application Indicator (used with Industry format).
ERRCODE BCSet_QR_FmtAppIndicatorW (t_BarCode *pBarCode, LPCWSTR szIndicator)
 Set QR-Code format Application Indicator (used with Industry format).
BYTE BCCalcStructApp_ParityA (LPCSTR szIntData, LONG nIntData)
 Returns the parity byte for QR-Code "Structured Append" (Byte array version).
BYTE BCCalcStructApp_ParityW (LPCWSTR pwIntData, LONG nIntData)
 Returns the parity byte for QR-Code "Structured Append" (Byte array version).
LPCSTR * BCGetQRCodeVersionsA ()
 Returns implemented QR-Code versions.
LPCWSTR * BCGetQRCodeVersionsW ()
 Returns implemented QR-Code versions.

Detailed Description

Header File for TBarCode Library.

Include this header file in your modules to access the TBarCode API. In Windows:

 #include "tbarcode.h"
In Linux/Unix:
 #include <libtbarcode8/tbarcode.h>

The TBarCode Library for Windows and TBarCode Library for UNIX have the same API except for some functions:
© 2007 All rights reserved by TEC-IT Datenverarbeitung GmbH
Generated on Tue Nov 27 14:27:56 2007 for TEC-IT TBarCode Library 8.0.0 with doxygen 1.5.3