ERRCODE BCSaveImageExW ( t_BarCode pBarCode,
LPCWSTR  lpszFileName,
e_IMType  eImageType,
LONG  lQuality,
LONG  lXSize,
LONG  lYSize,
LONG  lXRes,
LONG  lYRes 

Saves barcode to an image-file (extended version, Windows only).

Saves the content of the barcode object as image-file with respect to a specified device context (if not needed hDC can be set to 0). The values of lXSize and lYSize should be increased, if the barcode is not readable or if the data density is high. The values of lXRes and lYRes can affect the printing size when printing from graphic- or painting programs. The image quality sets the compression algorithm (depending on the image type). With vector-EPS files you can choose between using Windows fonts (nQuality = 0) and using Postscript compatible fonts (nQuality = 1). A file extension according to selected image type is appended automatically if the file name does not already end with a safe file extension. Safe file extensions are ".bmp", ".emf", ".eps", ".gif", ".jpg", ".jpeg", ".pcx", ".png", ".tif", and ".tmp".

See also:
BCSaveImage(), BCSaveImageToBuffer(), BCPostscriptToFile(), BCPCLToMemory(), BCGetEnhMetaFile()
[in] pBarCode Pointer to barcode structure.
[in] hDC Device context handle (default: NULL).
[in] lpszFileName Filename.
[in] eImageType Enumeration for the type of the image.
[in] lQuality Image Quality (Meaning depends on image type; -1 for default).
[in] lXSize X-Size of the image [pixel].
[in] lYSize Y-Size of the image [pixel].
[in] lXRes X-Resolution of the image [pixels / inch].
[in] lYRes Y-Resolution of the image [pixels / inch}.
Return values:
ERRCODE ErrOk (0) in case of success. Non-zero if error occurred.

© 2007 All rights reserved by TEC-IT Datenverarbeitung GmbH
Generated on Tue Nov 27 14:28:02 2007 for TEC-IT TBarCode Library 8.0.0 with doxygen 1.5.3