TFORMer SDK - DLL/Library  8
Provide Data

TFORMer SDK retrieves data used for printing a Job with the help of JobData. More...


ERRCODE TFormer_SetDatasourceName (HTFORM pInstance, LPCSTR pszDatasourceName)
 Specifies the name of the user-defined DataSource to be used as JobData.
LPCSTR TFormer_GetDatasourceName (HTFORM pInstance, ERRCODE *peCode)
 Provides the name of the active DataSource of the current FormLayout.
ERRCODE TFormer_SetDSParameterValue (HTFORM pInstance, LPCSTR pszParameterName, LPCSTR pszValue)
 Specifies the value of a DataSourceParameter.
ERRCODE TFormer_SetDataFile (HTFORM pInstance, LPCSTR pszFileName)
 Sets a XML file (in the format used internally by TFORMer) as JobData.
ERRCODE TFormer_ResetData (HTFORM pInstance)
 Resets the data-cache.
ERRCODE TFormer_NewRecord (HTFORM pInstance)
 Appends a new Record to the DataSource.
ERRCODE TFormer_SetRecordCopy (HTFORM pInstance, UINT nRecordCopy)
 Sets the number of copies for the actual Record.
ERRCODE TFormer_SetVarValue (HTFORM pInstance, LPCSTR szVarName, LPCSTR szVarValue)
 Sets the value of a DataField.
ERRCODE TFormer_SetReuseValues (HTFORM pInstance, BOOL bReuse)
 Selects if DataField values should be reused in consecutive Records.
ERRCODE TFormer_SetHandleEscapeSequences (HTFORM pInstance, BOOL bOn)
 Selects whether escape sequences like \n or \x40 should be translated by TFORMer.
ERRCODE TFormer_SetImportFieldForRecordCopy (HTFORM pInstance, LPCSTR pszFieldName, BOOL bIsAttribute)
 Specifies which DataField in the input controls the number of Record copies.
ERRCODE TFormer_SetTxtDataFile (HTFORM pInstance, LPCSTR pszFileName, CHAR cSeparator, CHAR cTextQualifier)
 Specifies a text file (CSV, TSV, ...) as JobData.
ERRCODE TFormer_SetODBCData (HTFORM pInstance, LPCSTR pszDSN, LPCSTR pszUser, LPCSTR pszPwd, LPCSTR pszSQLSelect)
 Specifies an SQL-SELECT statement (ODBC) as JobData.
ERRCODE TFormer_SetXmlDataFile (HTFORM pInstance, LPCSTR pszFileName)
 Specifies a XML file as JobData.
ERRCODE TFormer_SetXmlDataFileEx (HTFORM pInstance, LPCSTR pszFileName, LPCSTR pszXsltFileName, LPCSTR pszXsltTFC)
 Specifies a XML file as JobData and transforms it with the given XSLT.
ERRCODE TFormer_SaveXml (HTFORM pInstance, LPCSTR pszFileName)
 Saves the actual JobData as XML file in the internal TFORMer format.

Detailed Description

TFORMer SDK retrieves data used for printing a Job with the help of JobData.


TFORMer SDK retrieves data used for printing a Job with the help of JobData.

JobData is used to provide values for the DataFields used in a FormLayout.

Different types of JobData classes are supported:

Data Processing

JobData is always iterated Record by Record, the order of the Records is not changed. All DataFields available in a Record are processed.

TFORMer requires at least one Record to produce output.

Escape Sequences

It depends on TFormer_SetHandleEscapeSequences whether possible escape sequences in the values are translated into their corresponding binary representation. See Escape Sequences for details.

Record Copies

Each Record of a DataSource is usually considered exactly once for generating output. Use TFormer_SetImportFieldForRecordCopy to instruct TFORMer SDK to use a specific field of the DataSource which contains the copy counter. This feature is helpful whenever a single Record of a DataSource should be printed multiple times (e.g. if a certain number of identical labels should be printed).

Unknown DataFields in JobData

If the JobData provides more DataFields than defined (either in the stand-alone FormLayout or in the Project of the Repository), these additional fields will be ignored.

Missing DataFields in JobData

If a DataField, which is used in the FormLayout, is not present in the JobData its value depends on TFormer_SetReuseValues. if TFormer_SetReuseValues is set to

DataFields which are computed with post- or pre-evaluations within a FormLayout will not be cleared (see TFormer_ProjectVarItGetUsage).

Missing or Empty JobData

If no (or an empty) JobData was specified then TFORMer SDK uses the default DataSource for printing the Job. The default data is stored in an extra file located in the same directory as the FormLayout itself and is named FormlayoutName.xml. It contains the DataField values used during the last TFORMer Designer session.

If no file with default data exists TFORMer SDK produces no output.

Identifying the Required DataFields

In order to identify all DataFields in a Project or in a FormLayout use the functions TFormer_GetFirstProjectVarIt and TFormer_GetNextProjectVarIt. If you want to know, whether a returned DataField is actually used in the FormLayout use the function TFormer_ProjectVarItGetUsage.

More Information

Function Documentation

LPCSTR TFormer_GetDatasourceName ( HTFORM  pInstance,

Provides the name of the active DataSource of the current FormLayout.

Use this function to get the name of the active DataSource of the current FormLayout. If the manual DataSource is the active one, this functions returns an empty string.

- The name of the active DataSource of the current FormLayout. This name is only valid if peCode is ErrOk (0).
pInstanceThe TFORMer instance provided by a previous call to TFormer_Init
peCodeError Code, ErrOk (0) in case of success
Must be called after TFormer_SetFormName.
See also:
TFormer_SetRepositoryName, TFormer_SetProjectName, TFormer_SetFormName, TFormer_SetDSParameterValue.
ERRCODE TFormer_NewRecord ( HTFORM  pInstance)

Appends a new Record to the DataSource.

A Record is a collection of name/value pairs. This pair holds the name of a DataField (first member of the pair) and its value (second member of the pair). Call this function before you set DataField values for the new Record.

ErrOk (0) in case of success, non-zero if an error occurred
pInstanceThe TFORMer instance provided by a previous call to TFormer_Init
See also:
TFormer_SetRecordCopy, TFormer_SetVarValue, TFormer_ResetData
ERRCODE TFormer_ResetData ( HTFORM  pInstance)

Resets the data-cache.

All DataFields handed over to TFORMer with TFormer_SetVarValue, TFormer_NewRecord or TFormer_SetDataFile are cached internally. As long as this cache is not deleted with this function the cached values will be used for a Job. Call this method before starting a new Job.

ErrOk (0) in case of success, non-zero if an error occurred
pInstanceThe TFORMer instance provided by a previous call to TFormer_Init
If you change the Repository, the Project or the FormLayout the internal cache is deleted automatically.
See also:
TFormer_NewRecord, TFormer_SetVarValue, TFormer_SetDataFile
ERRCODE TFormer_SaveXml ( HTFORM  pInstance,
LPCSTR  pszFileName 

Saves the actual JobData as XML file in the internal TFORMer format.

All DataFields set by TFormer_SetTxtDataFile, TFormer_SetXmlDataFile, TFormer_SetODBCData or by TFormer_SetVarValue are cached internally. This function writes the cache to the specified file which can the be used with TFormer_SetDataFile.

ErrOk (0) in case of success, non-zero if an error occurred
pInstanceThe TFORMer instance provided by a previous call to TFormer_Init
pszFileNameTarget filename
Can be called after TFormer_SetXmlDataFile, TFormer_SetTxtDataFile, TFormer_SetODBCData or after TFormer_NewRecord.
See also:
JobDataXml, JobData, Passing Files
ERRCODE TFormer_SetDataFile ( HTFORM  pInstance,
LPCSTR  pszFileName 

Sets a XML file (in the format used internally by TFORMer) as JobData.

The specified file conform to the internal TFORMer format and is created with the function TFormer_SaveXml. Normally this function is not required by users.

ErrOk (0) in case of success, non-zero if an error occurred
pInstanceThe TFORMer instance provided by a previous call to TFormer_Init
pszFileNameFilename (in internal TFORMer XML format)
Instead, check out the functions TFormer_SetTxtDataFile, TFormer_SetXmlDataFile or TFormer_SetODBCData.
See also:
JobDataXml, JobData, Passing Files
TFormer_SetRepositoryName, TFormer_SetFormName
ERRCODE TFormer_SetDatasourceName ( HTFORM  pInstance,
LPCSTR  pszDatasourceName 

Specifies the name of the user-defined DataSource to be used as JobData.

Use this function to specify the name of the user-defined DataSource which should be used as JobData for printing.

- ErrOk (0) in case of success, non-zero if an error occurred
pInstanceThe TFORMer instance provided by a previous call to TFormer_Init
pszDatasourceNameThe name of the DataSource as defined in the FormLayout
Cached data (set with TFormer_NewRecord and TFormer_SetVarValue or by importing data-files) are discarded.
See also:
JobDataDataSource, JobData, Passing Files
TFormer_SetDSParameterValue, TFormer_GetDatasourceName.
ERRCODE TFormer_SetDSParameterValue ( HTFORM  pInstance,
LPCSTR  pszParameterName,
LPCSTR  pszValue 

Specifies the value of a DataSourceParameter.

Use this function to specify a value for a DataSourceParameter. A DataSourceParameter may be defined by the user with TFORMer Designer and can be used to control certain aspects of a DataSource during runtime (e.g. filenames, SQL statement or an ODBC-DSN).

- ErrOk (0) in case of success, non-zero if an error occurred
pInstanceThe TFORMer instance provided by a previous call to TFormer_Init
pszParameterNameThe name of the DataSourceParameter to be set
pszValueThe value to be set
Must be called before TFormer_Print, but after TFormer_SetDatasourceName or if a parameter of the active Datasource should be set, after TFormer_SetFormName.
See also:
TFormer_SetRepositoryName, TFormer_SetProjectName, TFormer_SetFormName, TFormer_SetDatasourceName, TFormer_GetDatasourceName.
ERRCODE TFormer_SetHandleEscapeSequences ( HTFORM  pInstance,
BOOL  bOn 

Selects whether escape sequences like \n or \x40 should be translated by TFORMer.

The default value is FALSE. That means TFORMer uses DataField values exactly as provided, no escape sequence handling will be performed.

ErrOk (0) in case of success, non-zero if an error occurred
pInstanceThe TFORMer instance provided by a previous call to TFormer_Init
bOnTRUE if escape sequences should be translated
See also:
Escape Sequences
ERRCODE TFormer_SetImportFieldForRecordCopy ( HTFORM  pInstance,
LPCSTR  pszFieldName,
BOOL  bIsAttribute 

Specifies which DataField in the input controls the number of Record copies.

TFORMer allows you to specify how often one Record of a DataSource should be used for printing (see also TFormer_SetRecordCopy). This functions specifies which DataField holds the number of copies for each Record of the DataSource.

ErrOk (0) in case of success, non-zero if an error occurred
pInstanceThe TFORMer instance provided by a previous call to TFormer_Init
pszFieldNameThe DataField name which holds the Record-copy counter. NULL if none should be used (default: NULL).
bIsAttributeSpecifies if the given DataField name is the name of an attribute field. Used only for XML-Imports.
Must be called before TFormer_SetTxtDataFile, TFormer_SetXmlDataFile or TFormer_SetODBCData
See also:
TFormer_SetTxtDataFile, TFormer_SetXmlDataFile, TFormer_SetODBCData
ERRCODE TFormer_SetODBCData ( HTFORM  pInstance,
LPCSTR  pszUser,
LPCSTR  pszPwd,
LPCSTR  pszSQLSelect 

Specifies an SQL-SELECT statement (ODBC) as JobData.

The column names returned by the SQL statement must match the DataField names in the FormLayout.

ErrOk (0) in case of success, non-zero if an error occurred
pInstanceThe TFORMer instance provided by a previous call to TFormer_Init
pszDSNDSN of the ODBC connection
pszUserUser-Name for ODBC connection (may be NULL or an empty string)
pszPwdPassword for the ODBC connection (may be NULL or an empty string)
pszSQLSelectSQL-SELECT statement for retrieving data.
See also:
JobDataOdbc, JobData
TFormer_SetTxtDataFile, TFormer_SetXmlDataFile, TFormer_SetImportFieldForRecordCopy
ERRCODE TFormer_SetRecordCopy ( HTFORM  pInstance,
UINT  nRecordCopy 

Sets the number of copies for the actual Record.

The value provided with this function specifies how often this Record is used for printing. May be called after TFormer_NewRecord. If TFormer_SetRecordCopy is not set, then the default value 1 will be used.

ErrOk (0) in case of success, non-zero if an error occurred
pInstanceThe TFORMer instance provided by a previous call to TFormer_Init
nRecordCopyThe number of copies for the current Record.
Do not mix up this method with TFormer_SetNumberOfCopies
See also:
TFormer_NewRecord, TFormer_SetVarValue
ERRCODE TFormer_SetReuseValues ( HTFORM  pInstance,
BOOL  bReuse 

Selects if DataField values should be reused in consecutive Records.

  • If set to TRUE, then the value of a DataField will be preserved between Records.
    The last value will be reused in consecutive Records until a new value is set. This allows you to omit TFormer_SetVarValue for a DataField if the value should be the same as in the previous Record.
  • If set to FALSE (which is the default), then all DataFields are set to "" (empty string) or 0 (depending on the DataFieldType) between Records. It is recommended to set all DataFields for each Record.
ErrOk (0) in case of success, non-zero if an error occurred
pInstanceThe TFORMer instance provided by a previous call to TFormer_Init
bReuseShould data be reused for each Record?
See also:
TFormer_NewRecord, TFormer_SetVarValue
ERRCODE TFormer_SetTxtDataFile ( HTFORM  pInstance,
LPCSTR  pszFileName,
CHAR  cSeparator,
CHAR  cTextQualifier 

Specifies a text file (CSV, TSV, ...) as JobData.

The column names used in the text file must match the DataField names in the FormLayout

ErrOk (0) in case of success, non-zero if an error occurred
pInstanceThe TFORMer instance provided by a previous call to TFormer_Init
pszFileNameText/CSV/TSV filename
cSeparatorDataField separator (e.g. , or ;)
cTextQualifierText qualifier (e.g. "\'" or " - default is none)
See also:
JobDataCsv, JobData, Passing Files
TFormer_SetXmlDataFile, TFormer_SetODBCData, TFormer_SetImportFieldForRecordCopy
ERRCODE TFormer_SetVarValue ( HTFORM  pInstance,
LPCSTR  szVarName,
LPCSTR  szVarValue 

Sets the value of a DataField.

ErrOk (0) in case of success, non-zero if an error occurred
pInstanceThe TFORMer instance provided by a previous call to TFormer_Init
szVarNameThe name of the DataField for which the value should be set.
szVarValueThe value for the given DataField.
Must be called for each DataField after a call to TFormer_NewRecord. All data is passed to TFORMer as string - TFORMer converts this string automatically into the specified data-type (see EVarType). If a validation rule is violated (see TFORMer Designer), an error code is returned. If this function is not called for a DataField used in a FormLayout, then the content of this DataField depends on TFormer_SetReuseValues.

If you want to identify the DataFields which are available in a Project or FormLayout, please use the function TFormer_GetFirstProjectVarIt.

This function will test if
See also:
TFormer_SetReuseValues, TFormer_NewRecord
ERRCODE TFormer_SetXmlDataFile ( HTFORM  pInstance,
LPCSTR  pszFileName 

Specifies a XML file as JobData.

The element (or attribute) names in the XML file must match the DataField names in the FormLayout.

ErrOk (0) in case of success, non-zero if an error occurred
pInstanceThe TFORMer instance provided by a previous call to TFormer_Init
pszFileNameXML filename
See also:
JobDataXml, JobData, Passing Files
TFormer_SetTxtDataFile, TFormer_SetODBCData, TFormer_SetImportFieldForRecordCopy
ERRCODE TFormer_SetXmlDataFileEx ( HTFORM  pInstance,
LPCSTR  pszFileName,
LPCSTR  pszXsltFileName,

Specifies a XML file as JobData and transforms it with the given XSLT.

This function is similar to TFormer_SetXmlDataFile but transforms the XML file with the specified XSLT before being used as JobData.

ErrOk (0) in case of success, non-zero if an error occurred
pInstanceThe TFORMer instance provided by a previous call to TFormer_Init
pszFileNameXML filename
pszXsltFileNameXSLT filename, if NULL then no transformation is performed
pszXsltTFCXSLT TFC filename. Internal Use ONLY (generates TFC File from given xml file)
Internal use only!
See also:
TFormer_SetTxtDataFile, TFormer_SetODBCData, TFormer_SetXmlDataFile, TFormer_SetImportFieldForRecordCopy

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Generated on Wed Nov 17 2021 12:13:03 for TFORMer SDK - DLL/Library with doxygen