TFORMer SDK - DLL/Library  8


A FormLayout is a document which was created with TFORMer Designer. This class is used to retrieve or set information belonging to a FormLayout.

A typical FormLayout contains static content (like a logo), dynamic content (like a DataField) and a number of properties which are used to describe the FormLayout and its behavior during print-time. Each FormLayout is member of exactly one Project (in the case of a Repository) or the GlobalProject (in the case of a stand-alone FormLayout).

It is not possible to change the appearance of the FormLayout (like adding new elements or bands) with this class. Design tasks are supported by TFORMer Designer only.

Repository-based FormLayouts



When printing a specific FormLayout within a Repository 3 parameters must be specified to identify the FormLayout:

Stand-Alone FormLayout



When printing a Job using a stand-alone FormLayout 1 parameter must be specified:

Do not use TFormer_SetProjectName and TFormer_SetFormName when using a stand-alone FormLayout!

Determining Used DataFields

In order to access the data-fields in a FormLayout you may either use the method TFormer_GetFirstProjectVarIt or you may iterate through all available data-fields using TFormer_GetFirstProjectVarIt and TFormer_GetNextProjectVarIt. If you want to know, whether the returned DataField is actually used you can use the method TFormer_ProjectVarItGetUsage.


To retrieve the FormLayout object within a stand-alone FormLayout do the following:

  ERRCODE         eCode             = ErrOk;
  HFORM_ITERATOR  itForm            = NULL;
  LPCSTR          pszFormDescription= NULL;
  BOOL            bFormValid        = FALSE;

  // Retrieve first form of the global Project   
  // A stand-alone FormLayout contains only the global Project, the global Project contains the FormLayout  
  LPCSTR          pszProjectName    = NULL; // use global project

  // Retrieve the first (and only) FormLayout
  itForm      = TFormer_GetFirstFormIt (hTForm, pszProjectName, &eCode);
  bFormValid  = (itForm != NULL);

  if (bFormValid && eCode == ErrOk)
    pszFormDescription = TFormer_FormItGetDescription (itForm, &eCode);
    printf ("description: ");
    if (pszFormDescription != NULL && eCode == ErrOk)
      printf (pszFormDescription);
    printf ("\n");

  // release iterator
  TFormer_FreeFormIt (itForm);

To retrieve all FormLayout objects within a Repository do the following:

  ERRCODE           eCode           = ErrOk;
  HPROJECT_ITERATOR itProject       = NULL;
  BOOL              bProjectValid   = FALSE;
  LPCSTR            pszProjectName  = NULL;
  HFORM_ITERATOR    itForm          = NULL;
  BOOL              bFormValid      = FALSE;
  LPCSTR            pszFormName     = NULL;    

  // Retrieve the first Project 
  itProject     = TFormer_GetFirstProjectIt (hTForm, &eCode);  
  bProjectValid = (itProject != NULL);

  // TYPE_E_ELEMENTNOTFOUND should not be treated as error
    eCode = ErrOk;

  while (bProjectValid && eCode == ErrOk)
    pszProjectName = TFormer_ProjectItGetName (itProject, &eCode);

    if (pszProjectName != NULL && eCode == ErrOk)
      printf ("project name: '%s'\n", pszProjectName);

      itForm    = TFormer_GetFirstFormIt (hTForm, pszProjectName, &eCode);
      bFormValid= (itForm != NULL);

      // TYPE_E_ELEMENTNOTFOUND should not be treated as error
      if (eCode == TYPE_E_ELEMENTNOTFOUND)
        eCode = ErrOk;

      while (bFormValid && eCode == ErrOk)
        pszFormName = TFormer_FormItGetName (itForm, &eCode);
        if (pszFormName != NULL && eCode == ErrOk)
          printf ("  form name: '%s'\n", pszFormName);

        // Get the next FormLayout in this Project
        bFormValid = (TFormer_GetNextFormIt (itForm) == ErrOk);

      TFormer_FreeFormIt (itForm);

    // Get the next Project
    bProjectValid = (TFormer_GetNextProjectIt (itProject) == ErrOk);

  TFormer_FreeProjectIt (itProject);  

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Generated on Wed Nov 17 2021 12:13:03 for TFORMer SDK - DLL/Library with doxygen