TFORMer SDK - DLL/Library  8


A Project is a logical container for related FormLayout, DataSource and DataField definitions. It divides a Repository into logical units.

Exactly one GlobalProject is available for both a Repository or a stand-alone FormLayout. In the case of a Repository additional Project objects can be created by the user.

In order to access the DataFields in a Project you may either use the method TFormer_GetFirstProjectVarIt or you may iterate through all available DataFields using TFormer_GetFirstProjectVarIt and TFormer_GetNextProjectVarIt. If you want to know, whether the returned DataField is actually used in a FormLayout you can use the method TFormer_ProjectVarItGetUsage.


To retrieve all Project objects within a Repository do the following:

  ERRCODE           eCode           = ErrOk;
  HPROJECT_ITERATOR itProject       = NULL;
  LPCSTR            pszProjectName  = NULL;
  BOOL              bProjectValid   = FALSE;

  // Retrieve the first Project 
  itProject     = TFormer_GetFirstProjectIt (hTForm, &eCode);  
  bProjectValid = (itProject != NULL);

  // TYPE_E_ELEMENTNOTFOUND should not be treated as error
    eCode = ErrOk;

  while (bProjectValid && eCode == ErrOk)
    pszProjectName = TFormer_ProjectItGetName (itProject, &eCode);

    if (pszProjectName != NULL && eCode == ErrOk)
      printf ("project name: '%s'\n", pszProjectName);

    // Get the next Project
    bProjectValid = (TFormer_GetNextProjectIt (itProject) == ErrOk);

  TFormer_FreeProjectIt (itProject);  
The Project is only valid as long as it is available in the Repository. If it is removed from the Repository all instances of the Project immediately become invalid.

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Generated on Wed Nov 17 2021 12:13:03 for TFORMer SDK - DLL/Library with doxygen