Public Member Functions | Properties
JobTrayControl Class Reference

Provides access to JobTrayControl information. More...

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

void Dispose ()
 Performs application-defined tasks associated with freeing, releasing, or resetting unmanaged resources.
string GetTray (int logicalTray)
 Gets the physical tray that is assigned to the logical tray.
void SetTray (int logicalTray, string physicalTray)
 Assigns a physical tray to a logical tray.
override string ToString ()
 Returns a string representation of the instance.


string Comment [get, set]
 Gets/Sets the comment for the JobTrayControl.
string Description [get, set]
 Gets/Sets the description of the JobTrayControl.
bool IsDefault [get]
 Gets a value indicating whether this object is the default JobTrayControl of the Repository.
int MaxNumberOfTrays [get]
 Gets the maximum number of logical trays.
string Name [get, set]
 Gets/Sets the name of the JobTrayControl.
JobTrayControl Next [get]
 Gets the next JobTrayControl object.

Detailed Description

Provides access to JobTrayControl information.


For every single page of the output, TFORMer can dynamically select a tray on the target printer. This is useful for printing the first page of an invoice on a letterhead, or for adding an envelope to the printout. The tray selection works completely device-independent: TFORMer uses logical tray numbers (tray 1 to tray 10) which are mapped to physical (device-specific) trays or to paper format names (e.g. A4 or Letter) via a JobTrayControl-object.

A JobTrayControl is usually configured using TFORMer Designer, it can then be selected when printing a Job.

The default JobTrayControl object is named _Default_ and performs no mappings. When printing a FormLayout with this default JobTrayControl all pages of the output are sent to the printer without selecting special printer trays. In this case it is completely up to the device driver or the printer itself which trays are being selected.

Using Tray Control

Whenever output trays should be controlled by the FormLayout you must adjust the _Default_ JobTrayControl or create and assign a new JobTrayControl.

A typical JobTrayControl looks like follows:

LogicalTrayNumber Physical Tray or Name of Paper Format Description
1 A4 The logical tray number 1 is assigned to paper format A4. Whenever a band is printed which is assigned to logical tray 1 TFORMer instructs the printer driver to select the tray which holds the paper format A4.
2 A5 The logical tray number 2 is assigned to paper format A5. Whenever a band is printed which is assigned to logical tray 2 TFORMer instructs the printer driver to select the tray which holds the paper format A5.
3 Manual Feed in Tray 1 The logical tray number 3 is assigned to the physical printer tray named Manual Feed in Tray 1. Whenever a band is printed which is assigned to logical tray 3 TFORMer instructs the printer driver to select the physical printer tray with this name.
4 (auto) The logical tray number 4 is not assigned to a specific tray or paper format. Whenever a band is printed which is assigned to logical tray 4 TFORMer does nothing special. The currently selected printer tray or paper format will not change.
5 (auto) See tray 4
6 (auto) See tray 4
7 (auto) See tray 4
8 (auto) See tray 4
9 (auto) See tray 4
10 (auto) See tray 4

A tray is always selected by its logical number. Such a logical tray number (1..10) or the value 0-Default is assigned to each band of a FormLayout. Whenever a band is printed and a new page is started, TFORMer performs a lookup for the physical tray assignment using the active JobTrayControl. If the value 0-Default is assigned this behavior changes: this value instructs TFORMer to use the currently active tray (or paper format name) of the output device.

TFORMer uses a configuration file named TFORMer.xml for adjusting output options and paper format names. Since paper format names are also used in JobTrayControl please check out TFORMer.XML Configuration File too.
The JobTrayControl is only valid as long as it is available in the Repository. If it is removed from the Repository all instances of the JobTrayControl immediately become invalid.
Thread-safety: A single instance of this class must not be used by different threads.

Member Function Documentation

void Dispose ( )

Performs application-defined tasks associated with freeing, releasing, or resetting unmanaged resources.

string GetTray ( int  logicalTray)

Gets the physical tray that is assigned to the logical tray.

logicalTrayThe index of the logical tray. The range for this index is: [1 ... MaxNumberOfTrays]
The name of the physical tray
void SetTray ( int  logicalTray,
string  physicalTray 

Assigns a physical tray to a logical tray.

logicalTrayThe index of the logical tray. The range for this index is: [1 ... MaxNumberOfTrays]
physicalTrayThe name of the physical tray
override string ToString ( )

Returns a string representation of the instance.

A string representation of the instance

Property Documentation

string Comment [get, set]

Gets/Sets the comment for the JobTrayControl.

sCommentThe comment for the JobTrayControl
string Description [get, set]

Gets/Sets the description of the JobTrayControl.

The description of the JobTrayControl
bool IsDefault [get]

Gets a value indicating whether this object is the default JobTrayControl of the Repository.

Every Repository has a default JobTrayControl-object. To modify the default JobTrayControl fetch the object with Repository.DefaultJobTrayControl and modify its properties.

true if this JobTrayControl is the default.
int MaxNumberOfTrays [get]

Gets the maximum number of logical trays.

The maximum number of logical trays.
string Name [get, set]

Gets/Sets the name of the JobTrayControl.

You should not rename the default JobTrayControl which is named _Default_.

The name of the JobTrayControl

Gets the next JobTrayControl object.

A Repository stores a list of JobTrayControl-objects. You can use this method to iterate through this list. To retrieve the first JobTrayControl in the Repository see Repository.FirstJobTrayControl.

The next JobTrayControl object in the list or null.

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