TBarCode Library 11  TBarCode Library 11
ERRCODE _stdcall BCPCLToMemoryExt ( t_BarCode pBarCode,
VOID *  pHandle,
INT *  pnSize,
BOOL  bRelPos 

Writes barcode as PCL Level 5 into memory block (extended version).

In addition to BCPCLToMemory() the required output resolution can be specified. Beside this, the parameter bRelPos switches between absolute or relative positioning.
The origin of the coordinate space in PCL the is upper, left corner of a page. The positive y-axis points downwards.

[in]pBarCodePointer to barcode structure.
[in]pHandlePointer to memory block.
[in,out]pnSizeSize of memory block as allocated. Contains required size after function call.
[in]pRectBounding rectangle [1/1000 mm].
[in]bRelPosRelative or absolute positioning.
  • true: Relative positioning is used
  • false: Absolute positioning is used
Return values:
ERRCODEErrOk (0) in case of success. Non-zero if error occurred.
See also: