TBarCode Library 11  TBarCode Library 11

Saving barcodes in PCL format. More...


ERRCODE _stdcall BCPCLToMemory (t_BarCode *pBarCode, VOID *pHandle, INT nSize, LPCRECT pRect)
 Writes barcode as PCL (Level 5) into memory block.
ERRCODE _stdcall BCPCLToMemoryExt (t_BarCode *pBarCode, VOID *pHandle, INT *pnSize, LPCRECT pRect, BOOL bRelPos)
 Writes barcode as PCL Level 5 into memory block (extended version).
e_PCLMode _stdcall BCGetPCLMode (const t_BarCode *pBarcode)
 Retrieves the PCL output mode.
VOID _stdcall BCSetPCLMode (t_BarCode *pBarcode, e_PCLMode mode)
 Sets the PCL output mode.
ERRCODE _stdcall BCPCLToFileA (t_BarCode *pBarCode, LPCSTR szFilename, LPCRECT pRect)
 Saves barcode as a PCL-file.
ERRCODE _stdcall BCPCLToFileW (t_BarCode *pBarCode, LPCWSTR szFilename, LPCRECT pRect)
 Saves barcode as a PCL-file.
ERRCODE _stdcall BCPCLToFileExtA (t_BarCode *pBarCode, LPCSTR szFilename, LPCRECT pRect, BOOL bRelPos)
 Saves barcode as a PCL-file.
ERRCODE _stdcall BCPCLToFileExtW (t_BarCode *pBarCode, LPCWSTR szFilename, LPCRECT pRect, BOOL bRelPos)
 Saves barcode as a PCL-file.

Detailed Description

Saving barcodes in PCL format.