TFORMer SDK - DLL/Library  8
Error Codes


This is a partial list of error codes used by TFORMer SDK. Operating system specific error codes are not listed. Error codes are specified in hexadecimal notation (0x).

If any of the TFORMer functions returns an error code not equal to zero (ErrOk) than DO NOT call subsequent TFORMer-functions except of TFormer_Exit, TFormer_GetLastErrorDescription, TFormer_GetLastErrorInformation, TFormer_GetLastErrorSource or any TFormer_Free-functions.

An error code indicates an error condition and subsequent calls may fail and produce unexpected results.

Partial List of Error Codes

Error Code define Description
0x00000000 ErrOk No Error
0x00000006 ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE No or invalid handle given.
0x00000057 ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER The given parameter is invalid.
0x80020006 DISP_E_UNKNOWNNAME Unknown Name. The element with the given name was not found.
0x8002802B TYPE_E_ELEMENTNOTFOUND Either no element with the given name was found or no elements are in the list.
0x00000008 ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY Not enough memory to perform the requested action.
0x8002802D TYPE_E_NAMECONFLICT The name conflicts with the name of another element (e.g. duplicate data field).

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Generated on Wed Nov 17 2021 12:13:03 for TFORMer SDK - DLL/Library with doxygen