TFORMer SDK - DLL/Library  8

3rd Party Software used in TFORMer

TFORMer is based in part on the work of the projects listed below - TEC-IT says "Thank You" to the respective developers!

TFORMer itself is not free software, but the source code of the mentioned 3rd party libraries is freely available. If you have troubles downloading the source code of these libraries from the web-links specified below please contact us. We are also glad to assist you with any object and/or script files in order to relink TFORMer with possible newer versions of these 3rd party libraries. In each case you agree to be charged with a reasonable amount compensating our handling & distribution efforts.

© 2006-2021 - all rights reserved by TEC-IT Datenverarbeitung GmbH
Generated on Wed Nov 17 2021 12:13:03 for TFORMer SDK - DLL/Library with doxygen