TBarCode Library 11  TBarCode Library 11
Module Width and Barcode Quality

Functions for specifying how the module width of the barcode should be set. More...


DOUBLE _stdcall BCGetDPIHorz (t_BarCode *pBarCode)
 Gets current user-defined horizontal resolution.
DOUBLE _stdcall BCGetDPIVert (t_BarCode *pBarCode)
 Gets current user-defined vertical resolution.
ERRCODE _stdcall BCSetDPI (t_BarCode *pBarCode, DOUBLE dDPIHorz, DOUBLE dDPIVert)
 Sets user defined resolution.
BOOL _stdcall BCGetMustFit (t_BarCode *pBarCode)
 Returns if the barcode must fit into the bounding rectangle.
ERRCODE _stdcall BCSetMustFit (t_BarCode *pBarCode, BOOL bMustFit)
 Checks if the barcode fits into the bounding rectangle.
BOOL _stdcall BCGetOptResolution (t_BarCode *pBarCode)
 Gets current barcode optimizing behavior.
e_SizeMode _stdcall BCGetSizeMode (const t_BarCode *pBarCode)
 Retrieves the mode that determines the barcode size.
ERRCODE _stdcall BCSetSizeMode (t_BarCode *pBarCode, e_SizeMode mode)
 Sets the mode that determines the barcode size.
DOUBLE _stdcall BCGetModWidthN (t_BarCode *pBarCode)
 Gets the module width.
ERRCODE _stdcall BCSetModWidthN (t_BarCode *pBarCode, DOUBLE moduleWidth)
 Sets a fixed module width (value is passed as numeric parameter [0.001 mm]).
e_Decoder _stdcall BCGetDecoder (t_BarCode *pBarCode)
 Returns the type of decoder that will be used to read this barcodes.
ERRCODE _stdcall BCSetDecoder (t_BarCode *pBarCode, e_Decoder eDecoder)
 Sets the type of decoder that will be used to read this barcodes.
DOUBLE _stdcall BCGetBarWidthReduction (t_BarCode *pBarCode)
 Gets current bar-width reduction value.
e_MUnit _stdcall BCGetBarWidthReductionUnit (t_BarCode *pBarCode)
 Gets current bar-width reduction unit.
ERRCODE _stdcall BCSetBarWidthReduction (t_BarCode *pBarCode, DOUBLE dValue, e_MUnit eUnit)
 Sets bar-width reduction (Pixel-Shaving) in given unit.
LONG _stdcall BCGetQuality (t_BarCode *pBarCode, HDC hDC, RECT *pRectBounding)
 Returns drawing quality estimate of the barcode (in percent) (Windows only).
ERRCODE _stdcall BCSetOptResolution (t_BarCode *pBarCode, BOOL bOpt)
 Optimize barcode resolution.
ERRCODE _stdcall BCSetIgnoreDpiFromDC (t_BarCode *pBarCode, BOOL bIgnore)
 Determines whether TBarCode shall ignore the resolution from the device context (Windows only).
LPCSTR _stdcall BCGetModWidthA (t_BarCode *pBarCode)
 Gets the current module width (value is returned as string).
LPCWSTR _stdcall BCGetModWidthW (t_BarCode *pBarCode)
 Gets the current module width (value is returned as string).
ERRCODE _stdcall BCSetModWidthA (t_BarCode *pBarCode, LPCSTR szModWidth)
 Sets a fixed module width (value is passed as string [0.001 mm]).
ERRCODE _stdcall BCSetModWidthW (t_BarCode *pBarCode, LPCWSTR szModWidth)
 Sets a fixed module width (value is passed as string [0.001 mm]).

Detailed Description

Functions for specifying how the module width of the barcode should be set.

Under normal circumstances TBarCode computes the module width automatically. For some applications this standard behavior must be changed. These functions also support the user when optimizing barcode quality (and therefore enhancing readability).