TBarCode Library 11  TBarCode Library 11
Data Matrix

These functions are used for modifying the behavior of TBarCode when generating the Data Matrix symbology. More...


e_DMSizes BCGet_DM_Size (t_BarCode *pBarCode)
 Gets currently adjusted Data Matrix symbol size.
BOOL BCGet_DM_Rectangular (t_BarCode *pBarCode)
 Gets if rectangular Data Matrix sizes are preferred.
e_DMFormat BCGet_DM_Format (t_BarCode *pBarCode)
 Gets the current Data Matrix Encoding Format.
BOOL BCGet_DM_EnforceBinaryEncoding (t_BarCode *pBarCode)
 Determines whether the data is encoded in binary format.
LONG BCGet_DM_AppendSum (t_BarCode *pBarCode)
 Gets the adjusted total number of symbols in Data Matrix Structured Append mode.
LONG BCGet_DM_AppendIndex (t_BarCode *pBarCode)
 Gets the current index of the symbol in Data Matrix Structured Append mode.
LONG BCGet_DM_AppendFileID (t_BarCode *pBarCode)
 Gets the adjusted File-ID in Data Matrix Structured Append mode.
ERRCODE BCSet_DM_Size (t_BarCode *pBarCode, e_DMSizes eSize)
 Sets Data Matrix symbol size.
ERRCODE BCSet_DM_Rectangular (t_BarCode *pBarCode, BOOL bRect)
 Switches between square or rectangular Data Matrix symbols.
ERRCODE BCSet_DM_Format (t_BarCode *pBarCode, e_DMFormat eFormat)
 Specifies Data Matrix encoding format.
ERRCODE BCSet_DM_EnforceBinaryEncoding (t_BarCode *pBarCode, BOOL bEnforceBinary)
 Determines whether Data Matrix shall be encoded in binary mode or not.
ERRCODE BCSet_DM_Append (t_BarCode *pBarCode, LONG nSum, LONG nIndex, LONG nFileID)
 Activates Data Matrix "Structured Append" mode.
LONG BCGetDataMatrixSizesCount ()
 Returns the number of supported Data Matrix symbol-sizes.
LONG BCGetDataMatrixSizesCountForType (e_BarCType eBCType)
 Returns the number of supported Data Matrix symbol-sizes for of given barcode type.
LPCSTR * BCGetDataMatrixSizesA ()
 Returns implemented Data Matrix symbol sizes.
LPCWSTR * BCGetDataMatrixSizesW ()
 Returns implemented Data Matrix symbol sizes.
e_DMSizesBCGetDataMatrixSizeListForType (e_BarCType eBCType)
 Returns implemented Data Matrix symbol sizes for given barcode type.

Detailed Description

These functions are used for modifying the behavior of TBarCode when generating the Data Matrix symbology.